A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and
visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about
the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother
clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober
glance upon her daughter.
"Don't forget your Sisters," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the
bottom of her glass.
"They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love
your husband, no matter how much you love the children you may have, you
still going to need Sisters. Remember to go places with them now and then;
do things with them. "Remember that 'Sisters 'means ALL the women... your
girlfriends, your daughters , and all your other women relatives
need other women. Women always do."
What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought. Haven't I just
gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married
woman, for goodness sake! A grownup! Surely my husband and the family we
start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!'
But she listened to her Mother. She kept contact with her Sisters and made
more women friends each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another,
she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was
talking about. As time and nature work their changes and their mysteries
upon a woman,Sisters are the mainstays of her life.
After more than 50 years of living in this world, here is what I've
Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.
Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between
A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.
When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by
yourself,the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you
on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and
waiting with open arms at the valley's end.
Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you...Or come in
and carry you out.
Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law,
sisters,sisters-in-law, Mothers, Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins,
extended family, all bless our life!
The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I.
When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the
incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we
need each other.
Every day, we need each other still.
Pass this on to all the women who help make your life meaningful. I just
Short and very sweet:
There are more than twenty angels in this world. Ten are peacefully
on clouds. Nine are playing. And one is reading her email at this moment
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
BORN A-BLOOMING, this Desert Village
in another
….just like mushrooms, buds, and Faeries,
WE’VE circled the wagons
against the “powers that Be”…
…a government that’s
run amok to war
against World Citizenry
and makes US ALL the “enemy”.
WE’VE thusly elected
to Form Our Own Government,
this Township called SOVEREIGNTY,
and WE’LL be the target townsite,
to illuminate OUR MANDATE for SERENITY.
RATIFIED by Consensus
of the
BORN A-BLOOMING, this Desert Village
in another
….just like mushrooms, buds, and Faeries,
WE’VE circled the wagons
against the “powers that Be”…
…a government that’s
run amok to war
against World Citizenry
and makes US ALL the “enemy”.
WE’VE thusly elected
to Form Our Own Government,
this Township called SOVEREIGNTY,
and WE’LL be the target townsite,
to illuminate OUR MANDATE for SERENITY.
RATIFIED by Consensus
of the

Nicholas says...
Some people think that Chief Tecopa of the Pauites would be greatly displeased at the actions of the State of California. They say that Chief Tecopa made an agreement with the government, that the Tecopa "Public" baths, formerly managed by Inyo County, were to be held sacred and thus remain free for any travelers of any nationality.
Some people say that the treaty is a myth. My dad says that it was real; that he used to talk with some of the children of the Pauites when they still lived up here, and it was commonly talked about. He says that the treaty was time limited, but that this fact did not detract from the idea-- the spirit-- of the arrangement.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Letter to the Editor,
Tecopa boycott
Gone is the laughter and happy faces once seen in this small town called Tecopa. This small hot spring town appears to be in a economic downfall.
Driving through this place last week, it appeared to be a ghost town of its former self. Chief Tecopa American Indian and generous heroic figure and founder of this once lively place willed the county hot springs to the public with a stipulation that it would be free of charge and be open always. This treaty was also recognized by the president of united states, so they say. This is not the case today.
The treaty was broken and a company called CLM (California Land Management) has taking over this once hot spring gathering place of older disabled people and not so old visitors who made the trek to this place, sometimes from 500 miles plus – each winter season. They are a commercial business with fees they now charge and the place appears to have changed forever. The locals and not-so-locals are flaming mad and are boycotting the whole town as it looks to me and many others. There are many Web sites supporting a boycott and "the people have spoken" by not going to Tecopa anymore.
Driving through the town last week, we were eyed by the Tecopa guards as we stopped to have a look at the now fenced-off hot spring building and guard shack and almost empty parking lot, which used to be full before the takeover of this once happy hot spring.
On closer look we learned also that the waters are highly bromated and much cooler than before. The manager of this place seemed to be edgy with us and impatient to get our fee. We were in no hurry to give this guy any fee because doing so would be a part of breaking a Treaty Chief Tecopa had once had with the state. Besides, all the people we once knew were gone, and looking at this guard shack and fenced off place appeared to me in my opinion looked like a prison camp rather then a place of healing.
The CLM campgrounds had around five RV campers from what we could see. This time of the season would have no less than 70 to 100 campers or more throughout the town of Tecopa. It was, to say the least, sad, as we were. The three private commercial hot springs were almost empty also. Yes, the town is in a downhill spiral economically. I mean, anyone could see that. I wondered then how much this would affect Pahrump economically as well as Shosone. After stopping and hearing some stories of a local resident we ran into on the way out of town, we heard that CLM patrols the town to see where RV campers are camping. He says the manager of CLM has said he dislikes a lot of what he sees in town and will change it. What? I asked. The wild bath out in BLM land mysteriously closed and was destroyed soon after this guy's arrival and he is now patrolling the town after hours, we heard.
Yes, in my opinion, this place is now like a controlled prison camp rather than a place of healing. We have been visiting Tecopa now for over 20 years and will go no more. We support the boycott of this place and will never return to this place we once loved. Tecopa is a ghost town now to us and will be thought of as when we think of this place. There is no more disabled persons' pool anymore, as we hear this room is being charged 20 bucks for a party pool.
Gone is the laughter and happy faces that we once knew, and gone are us who will return no longer as long as CLM is in charge. The other private campgrounds have little to offer us as they are too expensive for us and we hear in CLM's back pocket. Strange, their prices went up after CLM took over. We support all the people who boycott Tecopa. We also pray that Chief Tecopa will somehow come to this little town's rescue as he did once before.
Re: Fwd: PVTimes, Letter to the Editor,11/24/06
To: "morgana sage"
Thank you for sending this letter to me. every time i hear things like this it saddens my heart. I drive thru Tecopa 3 to 4 times a day and have noticed the difference in the type of people that come to this little town. Boy do I miss the old ways!
I have noticed the way the water has made my skin itch the last time I visited the hot springs back when they first where OVER TAKEN! The woman that came to TAKE my money had explained to me how they put something called bromate in the water to keep it clean(what does this do to the healing minerals in the water?).
Dawn- the school bus driver
Local history contributed by Leanne Conan,
Titular Tecopan since the last half of the 20th Century
The man they call Chief?? Well he was not a chief. In fact, the real chief sent him to Tecopa to get rid of him, from the Mitchel Caverns just off I-40. That’s the headquarters of 'The Scattered Tribes'. In the early 20's, the medicine woman here, Lillian Weed, sent a message on her air waves to her people to send some help to save the hot baths for the people. The Chief had been pondering how to get rid of this little drunk and Lillian's plea gave the Chief his answer. The tribe had a naming ceremony and changed his name to Cap Tecopa, put him on the train for Tecopa with the mission to save the baths for the people. When he arrived here he went to the bar and being very funny, entertained the bar. One of the owners of the rail road (a Dr.) took a liking to this little Indian. When he learned why he had come to Tecopa, he liked the idea and had his company do just that…turn the baths over to the people. The railroad owned the land that the baths are on. I know that the Paiutes were here first but they never tried to get anything back from the whites, they just minded their manners and became good white men (like George Ross). I have talked to Tecopa's grand daughters. They live in Pahrump and even though they all swore that they had papers there was never anything in writing. I went to see them (the sisters) before they stole our baths from us. All they had was a bluff. They told me they never expected any one to call them on their bluff. The Dr. gave his handshake to seal the deal with his friend Cap Tecopa. Tecopa lived to be 106. He traveled to L.A. once and promptly got himself arrested for being drunk and spent a couple of nights in jail. When he returned to Tecopa he said that L.A. had real nice accommodations, he was sorry to have to leave, the food was good he said. This is closer to the truth then some of the stories you may have heard making the rounds here.
Tecopa boycott
Gone is the laughter and happy faces once seen in this small town called Tecopa. This small hot spring town appears to be in a economic downfall.
Driving through this place last week, it appeared to be a ghost town of its former self. Chief Tecopa American Indian and generous heroic figure and founder of this once lively place willed the county hot springs to the public with a stipulation that it would be free of charge and be open always. This treaty was also recognized by the president of united states, so they say. This is not the case today.
The treaty was broken and a company called CLM (California Land Management) has taking over this once hot spring gathering place of older disabled people and not so old visitors who made the trek to this place, sometimes from 500 miles plus – each winter season. They are a commercial business with fees they now charge and the place appears to have changed forever. The locals and not-so-locals are flaming mad and are boycotting the whole town as it looks to me and many others. There are many Web sites supporting a boycott and "the people have spoken" by not going to Tecopa anymore.
Driving through the town last week, we were eyed by the Tecopa guards as we stopped to have a look at the now fenced-off hot spring building and guard shack and almost empty parking lot, which used to be full before the takeover of this once happy hot spring.
On closer look we learned also that the waters are highly bromated and much cooler than before. The manager of this place seemed to be edgy with us and impatient to get our fee. We were in no hurry to give this guy any fee because doing so would be a part of breaking a Treaty Chief Tecopa had once had with the state. Besides, all the people we once knew were gone, and looking at this guard shack and fenced off place appeared to me in my opinion looked like a prison camp rather then a place of healing.
The CLM campgrounds had around five RV campers from what we could see. This time of the season would have no less than 70 to 100 campers or more throughout the town of Tecopa. It was, to say the least, sad, as we were. The three private commercial hot springs were almost empty also. Yes, the town is in a downhill spiral economically. I mean, anyone could see that. I wondered then how much this would affect Pahrump economically as well as Shosone. After stopping and hearing some stories of a local resident we ran into on the way out of town, we heard that CLM patrols the town to see where RV campers are camping. He says the manager of CLM has said he dislikes a lot of what he sees in town and will change it. What? I asked. The wild bath out in BLM land mysteriously closed and was destroyed soon after this guy's arrival and he is now patrolling the town after hours, we heard.
Yes, in my opinion, this place is now like a controlled prison camp rather than a place of healing. We have been visiting Tecopa now for over 20 years and will go no more. We support the boycott of this place and will never return to this place we once loved. Tecopa is a ghost town now to us and will be thought of as when we think of this place. There is no more disabled persons' pool anymore, as we hear this room is being charged 20 bucks for a party pool.
Gone is the laughter and happy faces that we once knew, and gone are us who will return no longer as long as CLM is in charge. The other private campgrounds have little to offer us as they are too expensive for us and we hear in CLM's back pocket. Strange, their prices went up after CLM took over. We support all the people who boycott Tecopa. We also pray that Chief Tecopa will somehow come to this little town's rescue as he did once before.
Re: Fwd: PVTimes, Letter to the Editor,11/24/06
To: "morgana sage"
Thank you for sending this letter to me. every time i hear things like this it saddens my heart. I drive thru Tecopa 3 to 4 times a day and have noticed the difference in the type of people that come to this little town. Boy do I miss the old ways!
I have noticed the way the water has made my skin itch the last time I visited the hot springs back when they first where OVER TAKEN! The woman that came to TAKE my money had explained to me how they put something called bromate in the water to keep it clean(what does this do to the healing minerals in the water?).
Dawn- the school bus driver
Local history contributed by Leanne Conan,
Titular Tecopan since the last half of the 20th Century
The man they call Chief?? Well he was not a chief. In fact, the real chief sent him to Tecopa to get rid of him, from the Mitchel Caverns just off I-40. That’s the headquarters of 'The Scattered Tribes'. In the early 20's, the medicine woman here, Lillian Weed, sent a message on her air waves to her people to send some help to save the hot baths for the people. The Chief had been pondering how to get rid of this little drunk and Lillian's plea gave the Chief his answer. The tribe had a naming ceremony and changed his name to Cap Tecopa, put him on the train for Tecopa with the mission to save the baths for the people. When he arrived here he went to the bar and being very funny, entertained the bar. One of the owners of the rail road (a Dr.) took a liking to this little Indian. When he learned why he had come to Tecopa, he liked the idea and had his company do just that…turn the baths over to the people. The railroad owned the land that the baths are on. I know that the Paiutes were here first but they never tried to get anything back from the whites, they just minded their manners and became good white men (like George Ross). I have talked to Tecopa's grand daughters. They live in Pahrump and even though they all swore that they had papers there was never anything in writing. I went to see them (the sisters) before they stole our baths from us. All they had was a bluff. They told me they never expected any one to call them on their bluff. The Dr. gave his handshake to seal the deal with his friend Cap Tecopa. Tecopa lived to be 106. He traveled to L.A. once and promptly got himself arrested for being drunk and spent a couple of nights in jail. When he returned to Tecopa he said that L.A. had real nice accommodations, he was sorry to have to leave, the food was good he said. This is closer to the truth then some of the stories you may have heard making the rounds here.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Calif. Couple Calls for Orgasm for Peace
Published: November 19, 2006
Filed at 9:08 p.m. ET
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.
But they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much rather you just stay home.
The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
''The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it,'' Reffell said Sunday. ''Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.''
The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word ''Peace.''
The stunt spawned a mini-movement called Baring Witness that led to similar unclothed demonstrations worldwide.
The couple have studied evolutionary psychology and believe that war is mainly an outgrowth of men trying to impress potential mates, a case of ''my missile is bigger than your missile,'' as Reffell put it.
By promoting what they hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get people to channel their sexual energy into something more positive.
The couple said interest appears strong, with 26,000 hits a day to their Web site,
''The dream is to have everyone in the world (take part),'' Reffell said. ''And if that means laying down your gun for a few minutes, then hey, all the better.''
Published: November 19, 2006
Filed at 9:08 p.m. ET
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.
But they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much rather you just stay home.
The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
''The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it,'' Reffell said Sunday. ''Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.''
The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word ''Peace.''
The stunt spawned a mini-movement called Baring Witness that led to similar unclothed demonstrations worldwide.
The couple have studied evolutionary psychology and believe that war is mainly an outgrowth of men trying to impress potential mates, a case of ''my missile is bigger than your missile,'' as Reffell put it.
By promoting what they hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get people to channel their sexual energy into something more positive.
The couple said interest appears strong, with 26,000 hits a day to their Web site,
''The dream is to have everyone in the world (take part),'' Reffell said. ''And if that means laying down your gun for a few minutes, then hey, all the better.''
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Re: Digest Number 543
Posted by: "sage" blackdogjunction
Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:15 am (PST)
I too, was concerned that Howard Dean said they would not pursue impeachment, but I don't think that restraint will hold up once the new dems realize how unruly Bush has become as emperor. I am in California, where I registered Republican so I could vote for a trusted friend running for State Assembly in the primaries, and I found it really empowering to actually vote my conscience this time, for all the Green candidates on my state's ballot, and writing in my friend's name in spite of his having lost the primary. It feels so subversive to be a Green Republican, voting outside the box from within it, and being a spoiler where it republican but my friend got my vote, and no democrat needed it. heh heh heh!!!luv and peas, Sage--- On Fri 11/10, < > wrote:
From: [] 10 Nov 2006 09:01:28-Digest Number 543
Posted by: "sage" blackdogjunction
Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:15 am (PST)
I too, was concerned that Howard Dean said they would not pursue impeachment, but I don't think that restraint will hold up once the new dems realize how unruly Bush has become as emperor. I am in California, where I registered Republican so I could vote for a trusted friend running for State Assembly in the primaries, and I found it really empowering to actually vote my conscience this time, for all the Green candidates on my state's ballot, and writing in my friend's name in spite of his having lost the primary. It feels so subversive to be a Green Republican, voting outside the box from within it, and being a spoiler where it republican but my friend got my vote, and no democrat needed it. heh heh heh!!!luv and peas, Sage--- On Fri 11/10, < > wrote:
From: [] 10 Nov 2006 09:01:28-Digest Number 543
Monday, November 13, 2006
It tickles me pink that
WE Titular Tecopans have
successfully elected
a yokel homeboy with social skills,
as Inyo County Sheriff,
thusly changing the balance of power
in our struggle for home-rule of
Our Sovereign Treaty Medicine Baths.
No longer will our Deputies
be at the beck and call
of corporate thugs
and corrupt politicians,
to intimidate hometown resistance
to outside control of
Our Traditional Bathwater Rituals.
It tickles me pink that
WE Titular Tecopans have
successfully elected
a yokel homeboy with social skills,
as Inyo County Sheriff,
thusly changing the balance of power
in our struggle for home-rule of
Our Sovereign Treaty Medicine Baths.
No longer will our Deputies
be at the beck and call
of corporate thugs
and corrupt politicians,
to intimidate hometown resistance
to outside control of
Our Traditional Bathwater Rituals.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
NEWS ALERT/ Released to KPAH and PVTimes...
Hey, Harv and Phillip...we're dealing with some heavy, repercussive escalation of suspiciously conspiratorial County/CLM collusion to repress
this Community's Civil Rights. The County Supervisor(Cervantez) whom WE elected to fix the problem at the Baths, (by voiding the contract, and evicting CLM to the CampGrounds Only contract,
for a probationery 30 days.),
has been bought off, bribed by the corporation, Eric and Mrs. Mart, and is now making false accusatory statements against the Local County Workers, in a bid to take over management of the Community Center, Rook Hall. Tecopasetic Eye's are lighting up at the RadioFreeTecopa
idea...sure do wish we had it NOW,
so we could get national attention
paid to felonious and unconstitutional government abuse,
aganst the Sovereignty of Tecopa's Community Spirit.
Luv and peas, TecopasetiSage
Dear Sage,
Yes, it seems like you Tecopans could use a convenient means (public airwaves) to be able to discuss problems such as you've described. A radio station there, could be a good community resource.
We are not prepared to do anything in that respect prior to late January, about ten weeks away.
In the meantime, if there are other Tecopans that would like to tell us what they think of having a community radio station, we would love to hear from them via e-mail. Please pass this request and address on to all:
Hey, Harv and Phillip...we're dealing with some heavy, repercussive escalation of suspiciously conspiratorial County/CLM collusion to repress
this Community's Civil Rights. The County Supervisor(Cervantez) whom WE elected to fix the problem at the Baths, (by voiding the contract, and evicting CLM to the CampGrounds Only contract,
for a probationery 30 days.),
has been bought off, bribed by the corporation, Eric and Mrs. Mart, and is now making false accusatory statements against the Local County Workers, in a bid to take over management of the Community Center, Rook Hall. Tecopasetic Eye's are lighting up at the RadioFreeTecopa
idea...sure do wish we had it NOW,
so we could get national attention
paid to felonious and unconstitutional government abuse,
aganst the Sovereignty of Tecopa's Community Spirit.
Luv and peas, TecopasetiSage
Dear Sage,
Yes, it seems like you Tecopans could use a convenient means (public airwaves) to be able to discuss problems such as you've described. A radio station there, could be a good community resource.
We are not prepared to do anything in that respect prior to late January, about ten weeks away.
In the meantime, if there are other Tecopans that would like to tell us what they think of having a community radio station, we would love to hear from them via e-mail. Please pass this request and address on to all:
Dearly BamBam,
thanx fer sticking up for me when Victor wanted me arrested. SwissCheeseMaria just came by all worried about hearing at the Post Office, the 'MaleSnowBird' fascist's
version of what Victor's telling them. And they AREN'T EVEN boycotting the Baths!!! They are SCABS!!! I'd like to sue CERVANTEZ for racketeering, and LOPEZ for depriving me of my Civil Rights.
Tell me what I have to do, MadamSocialWorker.
yer good!, Sage
thanx fer sticking up for me when Victor wanted me arrested. SwissCheeseMaria just came by all worried about hearing at the Post Office, the 'MaleSnowBird' fascist's
version of what Victor's telling them. And they AREN'T EVEN boycotting the Baths!!! They are SCABS!!! I'd like to sue CERVANTEZ for racketeering, and LOPEZ for depriving me of my Civil Rights.
Tell me what I have to do, MadamSocialWorker.
yer good!, Sage
Mistletoe Manifesto
to: Inyo County Supervisor,
the racketeering Sr.Cervantez,
dearly nit-wit,
ABORT CLM or else...
...I'll arrange to have
My Last Heart Attack
in the Ladies' Baths,
even if I have to
sneak in to do it!!!
You will inherit my
last terra-cotta
Mayan GirlChild Mask.
luv and NO ickky peas,
porfavor, and thanx, Sage,
the witchy Nun
at BlackdogJunction N.O.W.,
on Old Spanish Trail,
Tecopa Station, 92389
to: Inyo County Supervisor,
the racketeering Sr.Cervantez,
dearly nit-wit,
ABORT CLM or else...
...I'll arrange to have
My Last Heart Attack
in the Ladies' Baths,
even if I have to
sneak in to do it!!!
You will inherit my
last terra-cotta
Mayan GirlChild Mask.
luv and NO ickky peas,
porfavor, and thanx, Sage,
the witchy Nun
at BlackdogJunction N.O.W.,
on Old Spanish Trail,
Tecopa Station, 92389
Sunday, November 05, 2006
KPAH comments...
Dear Sage,
Maybe the poor fellow thinks you've placed a curse on him?
It's a nice piece of art, though. We like it...
We are waiting for video editing software, before we can do anything (what, we don't know) with the tape.
As usual, we'll keep in touch.
All the best to you and the rest of the folks around Black Dog Junction,
Harvey & Gerry (not to be confused with Tom & Jerry, the cartoon characters)
P.S. We went another step forward with "Radio Free Tecopa", today. Should know more about that, in a couple weeks
Dear Sage,
Maybe the poor fellow thinks you've placed a curse on him?
It's a nice piece of art, though. We like it...
We are waiting for video editing software, before we can do anything (what, we don't know) with the tape.
As usual, we'll keep in touch.
All the best to you and the rest of the folks around Black Dog Junction,
Harvey & Gerry (not to be confused with Tom & Jerry, the cartoon characters)
P.S. We went another step forward with "Radio Free Tecopa", today. Should know more about that, in a couple weeks
Friday, November 03, 2006
Dearly Sisterhood of the Vortex,
I hereby offer the following justifications for my Hallowe'en Action against CLM...
I think Jackie would be PROUD of me. She recognized and admired my finesse in the way I won-over Edna's good opinion of me, and I think she would have approved of the way the trick-or-treating on Victor played out. The CrankyOldBitchClan of the Sisterhood, gave me good advice and their blessings on the 'positive intent' of the use of magical symbology to power the, I knew the mask would NOT get broken in the commission of the Curse on that Roman's Head.
Having heard that Victor called the Sheriff the next morning, to whine about my scary trick on him, doesn't surprize or worry me at all, because I know that OUR Deputies are smarter than dumdum Victor gives them credit for, and probably see the Humour of it all.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
luv and peas, Sister Sage,
the witchy Nun at BlackdogJunction.
Dearly Sisterhood of the Vortex,
I hereby offer the following justifications for my Hallowe'en Action against CLM...
I think Jackie would be PROUD of me. She recognized and admired my finesse in the way I won-over Edna's good opinion of me, and I think she would have approved of the way the trick-or-treating on Victor played out. The CrankyOldBitchClan of the Sisterhood, gave me good advice and their blessings on the 'positive intent' of the use of magical symbology to power the, I knew the mask would NOT get broken in the commission of the Curse on that Roman's Head.
Having heard that Victor called the Sheriff the next morning, to whine about my scary trick on him, doesn't surprize or worry me at all, because I know that OUR Deputies are smarter than dumdum Victor gives them credit for, and probably see the Humour of it all.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
luv and peas, Sister Sage,
the witchy Nun at BlackdogJunction.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
What I learned at the Hallowe'en Party
All Saint’s Day 2006
In the mundane world of Physics,
every action is believed to provoke
an equal and opposite reaction.
In the magical realm of Meta-physics, however,
a provocative action can be expected to
incite an insightful, and possibly enhanced, response.
Language is a meta-physical, as well as a political Science.
The words we use are metaphors, symbolic of thought, tools
of our instinctual need to communicate with, and connect to our fellow-travelers, a human race of mindful and spiritual Beings.
Headblind, patriarchal primitives have constructed a monotheistic, cultural paradigm which uses words like ‘God’ and ‘fatherhood’ to support a theory of masculinist supremacy, in the Heavens as on Earth, and also uses words like Bitch, Witch, and Slut, to illustrate rejection of equal but opposite conceptions, defining WomanKind as ‘the Other”, the antithesis of mankind’s Creator myths, resulting in world-wide death-cult milieu of subjugation to violence, denial, and slavery, power plays used definitively as survival of the fittest skills. People who are culturally addicted to illogical powers of controlling uncertainties, are acting out their fear of the “unknown’, the basic animal instinct of fight-or-flight, and rarely reach a synthesis of sentient understanding concerning ‘their place’ in the Life on this Planet, or in the Cosmos.
It is my opinion that ‘the Creator’s’ purpose in giving homo-sapients intelligence, is to make every Mother’s task easier..Namely, to teach Her Children to use that gift to become humane, sentient Beings, welcome on the threshold of any Cosmic Mission. Survival is not the ultimate goal of Intelligent Life on this Planet. Our Goal, (God’s plan for us?) is to learn how to evolve and ascend to a higher plane of existence, without an unnecessary fear of Death, because no energy is ever lost. refererence:
In the mundane world of Physics,
every action is believed to provoke
an equal and opposite reaction.
In the magical realm of Meta-physics, however,
a provocative action can be expected to
incite an insightful, and possibly enhanced, response.
Language is a meta-physical, as well as a political Science.
The words we use are metaphors, symbolic of thought, tools
of our instinctual need to communicate with, and connect to our fellow-travelers, a human race of mindful and spiritual Beings.
Headblind, patriarchal primitives have constructed a monotheistic, cultural paradigm which uses words like ‘God’ and ‘fatherhood’ to support a theory of masculinist supremacy, in the Heavens as on Earth, and also uses words like Bitch, Witch, and Slut, to illustrate rejection of equal but opposite conceptions, defining WomanKind as ‘the Other”, the antithesis of mankind’s Creator myths, resulting in world-wide death-cult milieu of subjugation to violence, denial, and slavery, power plays used definitively as survival of the fittest skills. People who are culturally addicted to illogical powers of controlling uncertainties, are acting out their fear of the “unknown’, the basic animal instinct of fight-or-flight, and rarely reach a synthesis of sentient understanding concerning ‘their place’ in the Life on this Planet, or in the Cosmos.
It is my opinion that ‘the Creator’s’ purpose in giving homo-sapients intelligence, is to make every Mother’s task easier..Namely, to teach Her Children to use that gift to become humane, sentient Beings, welcome on the threshold of any Cosmic Mission. Survival is not the ultimate goal of Intelligent Life on this Planet. Our Goal, (God’s plan for us?) is to learn how to evolve and ascend to a higher plane of existence, without an unnecessary fear of Death, because no energy is ever lost. refererence:
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Hallowed Eve's Tecopasetic Ultimatum

Dearly Victor,
This terra-cotta Aztec/Mayan SkullMask belongs to Your Inner Child.
It is Your Treat, unbroken, IF You
Take it Home, and leave Us to the Baths, OPEN and FREE, clear until First Light, JUST BECAUSE it’s All Saints Day,
a Catholic High Mass,
HolyDay of Obligation.
you will watch it drop and see it get broken.
Tecopaseti, Sister Sage, the witchy Nun at BlackdogJunction.
Monday, October 30, 2006
John Trudell speaks...
Trudell sees the Sept. 11 attacks as a calculated conspiracy, not just by a small sect of radicals, but of the invisible hand of globalism gone astray.
"This issue reaches into the New World Order, the WTO, GATT and the whole globalization movement. People need to think clearly about what's behind this, what is motivating it. They cannot allow themselves to be blindly led. Because right now they are looking for a specific terrorist. But in five years down the road, unions will be considered terrorist organizations because they are a threat to the economic well-being of America.
"In order to make economic globalization work, to make this new form of democracy work, everything has to fall into place. And you have to have consistency. If we have international structures that infringe on the sovereignty of nations, you also have to have, within those nations, an inhibition of the sovereignty of individuals. Of course, this is nothing new for the Indians. The American masses are becoming the new Indians. I've been here before."
Trudell sees the Sept. 11 attacks as a calculated conspiracy, not just by a small sect of radicals, but of the invisible hand of globalism gone astray.
"This issue reaches into the New World Order, the WTO, GATT and the whole globalization movement. People need to think clearly about what's behind this, what is motivating it. They cannot allow themselves to be blindly led. Because right now they are looking for a specific terrorist. But in five years down the road, unions will be considered terrorist organizations because they are a threat to the economic well-being of America.
"In order to make economic globalization work, to make this new form of democracy work, everything has to fall into place. And you have to have consistency. If we have international structures that infringe on the sovereignty of nations, you also have to have, within those nations, an inhibition of the sovereignty of individuals. Of course, this is nothing new for the Indians. The American masses are becoming the new Indians. I've been here before."
John Trudell says...
"I don't believe in hope," he says. "When I was a child I was taught the story of Pandora's box. The gods gave Pandora a box and told her not to open it because it contained the seven evils of the world. Of course, she opened the box. And out came the seven evils. But then Hope came out of the box, to help us deal with the evils.
"I always questioned that. The eighth thing to come out of that box was Hope. To me that meant that Hope was the eighth evil of the world. How come Hope didn't have its own box? What was it doing in a fucking box of evil?
"So I pray more and hope less. If you cling to hope, you sit and hope and you do nothing. It's like heroin. Praying and fighting and expressing -- that's doing something."
"I don't believe in hope," he says. "When I was a child I was taught the story of Pandora's box. The gods gave Pandora a box and told her not to open it because it contained the seven evils of the world. Of course, she opened the box. And out came the seven evils. But then Hope came out of the box, to help us deal with the evils.
"I always questioned that. The eighth thing to come out of that box was Hope. To me that meant that Hope was the eighth evil of the world. How come Hope didn't have its own box? What was it doing in a fucking box of evil?
"So I pray more and hope less. If you cling to hope, you sit and hope and you do nothing. It's like heroin. Praying and fighting and expressing -- that's doing something."
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Postmaster, Glorietta, NM
To: Glorietta’s Lavendar Fringe, and
Renegade UnderGround Community Spirits.
Re: Mariah Graham
P.O. Box 303
Glorietta, New Mexico 87535
The coyotes and bobcats are taking out
Junior’s chickens since
Our TecopasetiSpiritDog, Noonah,
was kidnapped from his GuardDutyJob,
at the PotBellyPig Ranch, and Jr. is worried
that his babies are next on the menu..
If Maria doesn’t make arrangements
for the return of our kidnapped WolfX, to
the DownTown Dumpster and Horseshoe-Pit,
and Carpark at BlackdogJunction,
on her next fly-thru of Our Township,
…the Posse that is forming
will arrive at the Glorietta's Post Office
to canvas the community
for information leading to the recovery of
Our Much Needed,
and Sorely Missed Canine Family Member.
WE of the Sovereign Treaty Shade Union
will be appreciative of any help
You People, Mariah’s Neighbors
can give us,, to nip that not-so-dear,
or correct, pseudo-yuppie in her bud!
CALL ME, SAGE @ 760-852-4592
with any info, por favor
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ask not for Whom the Bell Tolls..
Hubba! Hubba! C’est le vive!
Alma Mater, Mater Dei!
She’s done her time,
She’s whelped Her Brood,
So, off to pasture
Resigned, voo-doo’d.
Marian has failed to pass the test of time.
Our School’s Holy Spirit has been de-throned, and
stripped of Her Name, and is soon to be bulldozed
and burned as trash and brush,
at the Last Homecoming Bonfire.
Hubba Hubba, C’est le vive!
Alma Mater, Mary, Mater Dei !
So, Behold, and be it known, dear Californicators,
that the Summer of Love Class of ’67,
hereby curses YOU to always losing
Your Homecoming Games, for the NEXT 40 years,
should Your new campus last that long!
And You will remember Your Last Win
on Marian’s Home Field,
for the rest of Your Solemn Lives
Hubba Hubba, C’est le vive!
Alma Mater, Mary, Mater Dei
It is my dearest wish that many alumni will
BOYCOTT this Last Homecoming Game and Bonfire,
so as to avoid any celebration of Marian’s demise.
If you attend, the Game will be lost. Vive le Revolucion!
Pish-ta-ta, Sage’67, Witch of Woodstock Nation
Hubba! Hubba! C’est le vive!
Alma Mater, Mater Dei!
She’s done her time,
She’s whelped Her Brood,
So, off to pasture
Resigned, voo-doo’d.
Marian has failed to pass the test of time.
Our School’s Holy Spirit has been de-throned, and
stripped of Her Name, and is soon to be bulldozed
and burned as trash and brush,
at the Last Homecoming Bonfire.
Hubba Hubba, C’est le vive!
Alma Mater, Mary, Mater Dei !
So, Behold, and be it known, dear Californicators,
that the Summer of Love Class of ’67,
hereby curses YOU to always losing
Your Homecoming Games, for the NEXT 40 years,
should Your new campus last that long!
And You will remember Your Last Win
on Marian’s Home Field,
for the rest of Your Solemn Lives
Hubba Hubba, C’est le vive!
Alma Mater, Mary, Mater Dei
It is my dearest wish that many alumni will
BOYCOTT this Last Homecoming Game and Bonfire,
so as to avoid any celebration of Marian’s demise.
If you attend, the Game will be lost. Vive le Revolucion!
Pish-ta-ta, Sage’67, Witch of Woodstock Nation
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Professionalism is...
the strive for excellence.
I've always thought that
there MUST be MANY well-placed,
and affluent professionals,
well-versed in 40 years of
Civil Rights, Hip Culture,
Alternative Lifestyles,
and Peace Movement Experiance.
Is it therefore, reasonable to assume
that My Generation of ColdWarBoomBabies
might still be capable of
pulling Our brand out of the fire,
and making Our mark in history
by actually accomplishing another
successful American Revolution,
convening a Second Constitutional Convention,
and using AmericanaPoetic Liscense to
update, revamp, and romanticize
Our Founding Father's Visionary Documents?
I'm keeping the Faith because
I'm finding more and more
of these hip professionals
doing GREAT WORK online:
the strive for excellence.
I've always thought that
there MUST be MANY well-placed,
and affluent professionals,
well-versed in 40 years of
Civil Rights, Hip Culture,
Alternative Lifestyles,
and Peace Movement Experiance.
Is it therefore, reasonable to assume
that My Generation of ColdWarBoomBabies
might still be capable of
pulling Our brand out of the fire,
and making Our mark in history
by actually accomplishing another
successful American Revolution,
convening a Second Constitutional Convention,
and using AmericanaPoetic Liscense to
update, revamp, and romanticize
Our Founding Father's Visionary Documents?
I'm keeping the Faith because
I'm finding more and more
of these hip professionals
doing GREAT WORK online:
To Celebrate BOYCOTT of Corporate Management of
The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union &
The Sisterhood of the Vortex,
Invite ALL Tecopasetic Sovereignty Activists
to Our Cusp Event:
All Hallowed Souls Eve, Afternoon
at BlackdogJunction until
All Saint’s Day, First Light
at Inyo County Treaty Baths
of Tecopa’s Hot Springs Community,
ala “American Graffiti”
Free dry camping at BlackdogJunction
for brujaha(ha)earthquake magic users,
redskins, rednecks, redheads, and bushwhackers
who want to help consecrate and restore
the Vintage Campgrounds, and help make way for
Tecopa’s Future Solar/WindFarm
and the TecopaseticPeople’sPowerCo-op.
OPEN 24/7 Oct.-March, 2007 for
Boycott/ClassActionCampaign to Restore Treaty and Baths
NO fighting dogs, guns, needles, or broken glass.
To Celebrate BOYCOTT of Corporate Management of
The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union &
The Sisterhood of the Vortex,
Invite ALL Tecopasetic Sovereignty Activists
to Our Cusp Event:
All Hallowed Souls Eve, Afternoon
at BlackdogJunction until
All Saint’s Day, First Light
at Inyo County Treaty Baths
of Tecopa’s Hot Springs Community,
ala “American Graffiti”
Free dry camping at BlackdogJunction
for brujaha(ha)earthquake magic users,
redskins, rednecks, redheads, and bushwhackers
who want to help consecrate and restore
the Vintage Campgrounds, and help make way for
Tecopa’s Future Solar/WindFarm
and the TecopaseticPeople’sPowerCo-op.
OPEN 24/7 Oct.-March, 2007 for
Boycott/ClassActionCampaign to Restore Treaty and Baths
NO fighting dogs, guns, needles, or broken glass.
Last Freedom Lost
Having nothing else to lose but
the pain of having failed to
win respect or credit from
the greedy heartbreak
of Californication,
I found salvation and reward
in Death Valley’s Healing Grace,
Her thermal watershed,
where I could relax my guard
against the trauma dramas
of the heartless World,
the cold realities of elitist struggles;
and where I could remain insubordinate
to the demands of uninspired fools.
My Youth is gone,
and so is my strength to fight
rapacious pillage and eviction from
Tecopa’s Last Free Hot Springs of
my Desert Valley Home;
but I am determined to outlast the siege,
trusting that Sovereignty will prevail,
and that California Land Management
is doomed to fail.
Morgana Sage, December 1st, 2004
Having nothing else to lose but
the pain of having failed to
win respect or credit from
the greedy heartbreak
of Californication,
I found salvation and reward
in Death Valley’s Healing Grace,
Her thermal watershed,
where I could relax my guard
against the trauma dramas
of the heartless World,
the cold realities of elitist struggles;
and where I could remain insubordinate
to the demands of uninspired fools.
My Youth is gone,
and so is my strength to fight
rapacious pillage and eviction from
Tecopa’s Last Free Hot Springs of
my Desert Valley Home;
but I am determined to outlast the siege,
trusting that Sovereignty will prevail,
and that California Land Management
is doomed to fail.
Morgana Sage, December 1st, 2004
AT&T works for the Feds
I am sooo paranoid……
(how paranoid am I?)
enough to KNOW that the FEDS know my Password on the Web, because it has been red-flagged in my FBI file since the 70’s;
and , enough to get the feeling that I am responsible for being so revoltingly consistent, that MaBell decides to shut down the cheap dial-up service, as well as the lifeline discount for the elderly and disabled, in a whole rural desert town, for a solid week, and there is no recourse but to succumb to being gouged,
and censored due to the economic fascism of the system.
I am sooo paranoid……
(how paranoid am I?)
enough to KNOW that the FEDS know my Password on the Web, because it has been red-flagged in my FBI file since the 70’s;
and , enough to get the feeling that I am responsible for being so revoltingly consistent, that MaBell decides to shut down the cheap dial-up service, as well as the lifeline discount for the elderly and disabled, in a whole rural desert town, for a solid week, and there is no recourse but to succumb to being gouged,
and censored due to the economic fascism of the system.
Friday, October 13, 2006

White Buffalo, New York
October Friday the 13th
This is an extremely rare event for this early in the season," Niziol said. It also is the most snow so early in the season and was the earliest lake-effect snow warning.
Crews worked into the night to restore power, but many customers were expected to remain in the dark through the weekend and into next week, National Grid energy company spokesman Steve Brady said.
"This is extremely heavy snow and most of the trees still have most of their leaves, he said. "We can't do a complete damage assessment until the snow stops falling."
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Class of '67
Summer of Love
CURRENT EVENTS: attn: ColdWarBoomBabies...
I think the Japanese Navy can handle the blockade of North Korean Submarines; and I believe the NuclearNipponThreat is just effectively believable threat, BECAUSE the U.S. Gov't. can TRUST the Japanese Gov't. to correctly husband their Stewardship of discretely stored weapons of war, in an HONORABLE, non-radioactive, and Courtly Manner. I hope that our bush-league prez. will NOT interfere with Japan's Foreign Policies, BECAUSE WE don't need to send any more Troops, or SwiftBoats, to Korea!!!!
Keep the Faith, Amerikans!!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Don't Forget to Visit Leonard OFTEN
on his Porch at
for his Heartening Chant, and
Message from CrazyHorse,
which are posted on his
community bulletin board,
next to the doorbell.
luv and peas,A.I.M.! cum to, for rehab!!!
at BlackDogJunction
@HotSpringsRoad and Hipi Road,
on the Old Spanish Trail,
TecopasetiStageStop, CA 92389
Friday, October 06, 2006

Mariah Graham
P.O. Box 303
Glorietta, New Mexico 87535
Bribe me with another can of Nutritional Yeast,
por favor, not-so-dear-Yuppie,
but I'd still not believe You and Phil didn't steal Our Noonah,
Cheif's TecopasetiSpiritDog, from His Hometown Family!!!
Don't EVER come back without Him!!!
by Order of The FreePeople of Sovereignty Township,
and The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union,
and the Mayor, Pro-tem, (ME!) of the
Soverignty Township Steering Committee
Xuchiana Says...
Monthly Potlatch Dinner at 6pm.
We invite you to join us for our Hallowe’en PotLuck!
Wear a costume if you like…come and visit with your neighbors and help us with our plan to “feed our own”. Please bring any non-perishable food(s) to donate to our Community Pantry, and a potluck item of your choice, for Our Immdediate Gratification Meal. Comments, ideas, and suggestions are welcome. Thank You for your support of Our Goal to create more “unity” in Our Little Communivercity. We appreciate the generosity and thank you for your help!
…by the CyberTree Gossip Columnist, “Xuchiana Says…”
as edited by Sovereignty Rag Staff
Monthly Potlatch Dinner at 6pm.
We invite you to join us for our Hallowe’en PotLuck!
Wear a costume if you like…come and visit with your neighbors and help us with our plan to “feed our own”. Please bring any non-perishable food(s) to donate to our Community Pantry, and a potluck item of your choice, for Our Immdediate Gratification Meal. Comments, ideas, and suggestions are welcome. Thank You for your support of Our Goal to create more “unity” in Our Little Communivercity. We appreciate the generosity and thank you for your help!
…by the CyberTree Gossip Columnist, “Xuchiana Says…”
as edited by Sovereignty Rag Staff
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Dearly Sisterhood of the Vortex, and Renegade Witch’s N.O.W. Chapter Membership…
I haven’t been high in a month, so I know that the following idea is naturally generated from the whole cloth of do-able tecopasetic magic,
with the Blessing of the Our Hallowed Elders,
to celebrate this Season of the Witch in ALL of US…
FRIDAY the 13th,2006/SPOOK ALERT:
…to temporarily re-occupy our communal bathwater in preparation for the Hallowe’en Season,
…to bathe our Holiday Pumpkins in Medicine Water,
…to photograph Naked Witch’s N.O.W. Chapter in pointy hats,
…to hang Victor’s Aztec clay totem next to stapled-up portrait of Scalawag Tecopa,
…to seed the baths with glow-in-the-dark plastic pebbles that look radioactive,
…to recharge and amend the Medicine Baths with Organic Mineral Bath Crystals,
…to have FUN TOGETHER spooking the corporate minions with our Naked Incognito Presence.
…to pay Homage to Coyote Trickster,
…to TREAT OURSELVES to Good Clean Hijinks, and
…to bolster Our Vortex Karma.
And those are just some ideas off the top of my unenhanced Head. I’m sure y’all can add yer own ideas to this photo-opportunity for good propaganda shots to share on the web, and with the county, state, and federal governments, for the purpose of rescuing our Treaty Rights to the Public Baths!!!
Mark yer calendars for dark-thirty, 10-13-06, and make sure everyone who wants to participate, has a ride in the caravan which can come together at BlackdogJunction for whoopee, luv and peas, Sage 760-852-4592
I haven’t been high in a month, so I know that the following idea is naturally generated from the whole cloth of do-able tecopasetic magic,
with the Blessing of the Our Hallowed Elders,
to celebrate this Season of the Witch in ALL of US…
FRIDAY the 13th,2006/SPOOK ALERT:
…to temporarily re-occupy our communal bathwater in preparation for the Hallowe’en Season,
…to bathe our Holiday Pumpkins in Medicine Water,
…to photograph Naked Witch’s N.O.W. Chapter in pointy hats,
…to hang Victor’s Aztec clay totem next to stapled-up portrait of Scalawag Tecopa,
…to seed the baths with glow-in-the-dark plastic pebbles that look radioactive,
…to recharge and amend the Medicine Baths with Organic Mineral Bath Crystals,
…to have FUN TOGETHER spooking the corporate minions with our Naked Incognito Presence.
…to pay Homage to Coyote Trickster,
…to TREAT OURSELVES to Good Clean Hijinks, and
…to bolster Our Vortex Karma.
And those are just some ideas off the top of my unenhanced Head. I’m sure y’all can add yer own ideas to this photo-opportunity for good propaganda shots to share on the web, and with the county, state, and federal governments, for the purpose of rescuing our Treaty Rights to the Public Baths!!!
Mark yer calendars for dark-thirty, 10-13-06, and make sure everyone who wants to participate, has a ride in the caravan which can come together at BlackdogJunction for whoopee, luv and peas, Sage 760-852-4592
Friday, September 29, 2006

Welcome, Marian Alumni
Class of '67,
Summer of Love
First Contact with Lynn McNeil...Feb.2006 from ClassMates(dot)com:
Hi Sheryl (Kris),
Yup, I remember you! I barely recall the wedding, but I definitely
remember hanging out on the senior lawn and walking the halls of
Marian. Mostly that apartment on the beach where we all got into oh,
so much trouble with Carol and Pat and Donna and Linda and all those
lovely sailors. Oh yeah, I guess several of us married at least one of
those sailors. Did you hear that Marian is closing down? They are
building a new HS in Chula Vista to open in Fall 2007 as Mater Dei.
Check out the Marian website.
I'm near LA still. Still married (not to the first one as you can tell
from the name), retired from my second career and back in school again.
Not arthritic yet, but old and fat and gray. How about you? I tried
to read your bio but they want you to join.
Original Email from Kris McBride...Sept. 29, 2006
I don't know about y'all, but I have no interest in attending a 40 year reunion at a new industrial-sized,re-named institution in ChulaVista. I prefer to remember our AlmaMater the way she was in the Summer of Love. I've been to the MHS website, and have read everything on it, including the studenthandbook, and have decided that I would not like tobe a student there now, or send my own kids and grandkids there to be processed as cogs in the "machine"...I am so grateful to the now absent Nunsfor educating me in the Humanities, and am horrified that they are gone from the staff, and that ALL Seniors are now subjected to mandatory, militaryapptitude testing in order to graduate. Call me a 'throwback'??? an old Hipi??? an incorrigible misfit???But I am PROUD of 40 years of conscious, social activism, in the Feminist, Anti-Apartheid, Enviromental, and Peace Movements, that the Children of the 21st Century are being trained to ignore in their quest? forassimilation into a
"brave new world". Ah, well! I am crippled by arthritis, retired to the Desert,and am very happy to be off the frontlines of the ClassWars,writing and publishing on my blog,, and working on building a sustainable community to ride out the storm of a not-so-certain future. Anybody wanna talk about gathering together for an alternative reunion, here at Tecopa's Once and Future WindFarm??? We have 160 acres of desert land with surface water, to build and camp on, safe from the hordes of cut-throats and desperados in the cities.
ta-ta...Sage AKA: Kris McBride'67
Email from Susan Southland...Oct.1.6
I would imagine that Carol &Lynn & Mouse & Jack already know the story - not sure about Bob - think he was pretty young the last time I saw him. We are currently traveling in our motorhome and e-mail is pretty spotty. Am in New Hampshire for the next few days and then on to Bar Harbor, Maine. Plan to hit Boston, Philly, then - who knows? Been gone for two months and don't plan to be back in CA until after Thanksgiving. Keep up the good work.
Email from Carol Andrade Vrooman, 10.02.06
Oh it's Carol Andrade (Vrooman). How are you? You live in the desert? I looked up Tecopa, you're in Death Valley? We just came back from Carson City, rode through Baker and past the 190 turn off to Death Valley.
My significant other, Gary, and I live in Ramona, NE of downtown SD. I'm an ER RN, he works for the Post Office. I have 2 kids, girl Beth who has 2 boys, and a son Bryan who has a daughter and two sons, the most recent is only a few mos old, haven't even seen the little sucker yet.
I also am not really interested in supporting this new whatever they are opening to pander to the rich mexicans. I've thought about seeing whats going on with people 40 yrs after but don't think I'm going to make any effort. I also prefer to remember good ole Marian our Marian the way she was when we left.
I guess we've all found our level in life so to speak. I don't care if citizens think I'm a "misfit" or what they think. There are 2 types of people in this world those I care about and those I don't. If one falls into the "don't" category there is no point in giving any credence to their opinion.
Lynn plays cello in an ensemble. She always was musical.
Dix is retired, has a bad back, fishes with her husband.
I ride a big motorcycle as fast as I can whenever I can. My old man is the Vice President of our chapter of an outlaw club, though probably not the one that comes immediately to mind.
Email to Mr.Gerken, at
Please also notify your Class of '67 List
that our Self-Appointed Alternative CyberReunion Committee
has formed to accomodate the far-flung-fringe-faction of
Graduates from Marian's Summer of Love, and that any
photos from the Gauntlet'67 Yearbook can be sent to, for inclusion in
Our CyberReunion Thread at The Sovereignty Rag,
Thanx, aka:Kris McBride Williams .
Email from Patty Edwards Prescott, Friday, Oct. 13, 2006
You are aware that we are planning our 40th class reunion? Bill said he sent an email out.
Did you receive it and if yes, have you voted? Obviously , like me, you would prefer NOT TO DEAL with the new School...........Mater Dei? So sad, I can see moving because they are a big institution and can make more money from the rich folks living in Eastlake...........but other than the BISHOP wants the name changed, (seems he in the past attended a school named Mater Dei).... no one else does.
They should have just carried the name over.
Patty Edwards (Prescott)
Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
“King Victor” at Chief Tecopa’s once and future Treaty Baths,
is to be Nakedly Deposed
in an OPEN to the PUBLIC Ceremony
Sir Eric of CLaMclan, may appear
to graciously CONCEDE defeat, and
remove his King from the Board.
Thou shall NOT
Act like a ROMAN
The Goddess says,
So, same says, the Sisterhood of the Vortex
Violation of this commandment carries the following punishments: strip search, shower, and splash dunk,
in the Ladies Baths where you won’t be let out
much before you faint, desperately hoping that SOMEbody will pull you out before you drown.
We’ll sell tickets to watch, and throw teabags to brew
up a nice tannic hogwash.
Hometown Videos bring $10,000 Bucks for 30 second clips, from a 20’minute video of
Titular Tecopans “cooking a roman stew.”
For: America’s Funniest Videos TV Show,
hipi propaganda footage.
This is a Definitive Ultimatum…Everyone who understands and complies to these terms, WINS
To Celebrate BOYCOTT of Corporate Management of
The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union & The Sisterhood of the Vortex
Invite ALL Tecopasetic Sovereignty Activist to Our Cusp Event
All Hallowed Souls Eve, Afternoon at BlackdogJunction until
All Saint’s Day, First Light at Inyo County Treaty Baths
Free dry camping at BlackdogJunction for bruja ha(ha)
earthquake magic users, redskins, rednecks, redheads, and bushwhackers
who want to help consecrate and restore the Vintage Campgrounds,
and help make way for
Tecopa’s Future WindFarm and Tecopasetic People’s Power Co-op.
OPEN 24/7 Oct.-March, 2007 for
Boycott/ClassActionCampaign to Restore Treaty and Baths
NO fighting dogs, guns, needles, or broken glass.
is to be Nakedly Deposed
in an OPEN to the PUBLIC Ceremony
Sir Eric of CLaMclan, may appear
to graciously CONCEDE defeat, and
remove his King from the Board.
Thou shall NOT
Act like a ROMAN
The Goddess says,
So, same says, the Sisterhood of the Vortex
Violation of this commandment carries the following punishments: strip search, shower, and splash dunk,
in the Ladies Baths where you won’t be let out
much before you faint, desperately hoping that SOMEbody will pull you out before you drown.
We’ll sell tickets to watch, and throw teabags to brew
up a nice tannic hogwash.
Hometown Videos bring $10,000 Bucks for 30 second clips, from a 20’minute video of
Titular Tecopans “cooking a roman stew.”
For: America’s Funniest Videos TV Show,
hipi propaganda footage.
This is a Definitive Ultimatum…Everyone who understands and complies to these terms, WINS
To Celebrate BOYCOTT of Corporate Management of
The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union & The Sisterhood of the Vortex
Invite ALL Tecopasetic Sovereignty Activist to Our Cusp Event
All Hallowed Souls Eve, Afternoon at BlackdogJunction until
All Saint’s Day, First Light at Inyo County Treaty Baths
Free dry camping at BlackdogJunction for bruja ha(ha)
earthquake magic users, redskins, rednecks, redheads, and bushwhackers
who want to help consecrate and restore the Vintage Campgrounds,
and help make way for
Tecopa’s Future WindFarm and Tecopasetic People’s Power Co-op.
OPEN 24/7 Oct.-March, 2007 for
Boycott/ClassActionCampaign to Restore Treaty and Baths
NO fighting dogs, guns, needles, or broken glass.
Friday, September 15, 2006
We have witnessed the demise of Democracy
with the Y2K election,
and have the Constitutional Responsibility
to uphold Our Rights to Freedom,
by impeaching the whole Administration
of this False President,
on charges of conspiracy against
the American People,
war-crimes against the People
of the World,
and High Treason against the U.S. Constitution.
In addition, We can petition Congress
to convene another Constitutional Convention
to update and revision Our Founding Documents,
and We can ask Jimmy Carter
to preside over it from the Chair.
We can bring this government
to it's knees in the Highest Courts,
as we overthrow it by empathic coup,
in order to form a more Perfect Union.
Published: August, 2001,
Letter to the Editor,
Garberville's Life and Times
We have witnessed the demise of Democracy
with the Y2K election,
and have the Constitutional Responsibility
to uphold Our Rights to Freedom,
by impeaching the whole Administration
of this False President,
on charges of conspiracy against
the American People,
war-crimes against the People
of the World,
and High Treason against the U.S. Constitution.
In addition, We can petition Congress
to convene another Constitutional Convention
to update and revision Our Founding Documents,
and We can ask Jimmy Carter
to preside over it from the Chair.
We can bring this government
to it's knees in the Highest Courts,
as we overthrow it by empathic coup,
in order to form a more Perfect Union.
Published: August, 2001,
Letter to the Editor,
Garberville's Life and Times
Dearly Art Bell’
I, too have a short story about conscious psychic, time-travel…
It started with one wild, organic Magic Oregon Amanita Mushroom; and
was powered by the monotonous pulse of my Own Heartbeat, which was one with something way bigger than me, for 93 million-nano-miles to the Island at the End of
the Timeline, to visit the Queen of the Cosmos. I physically remember to this very day, being a bubble in the SeaFoam washing up the shore, and playing WordGames with the Goddess, and winning a chance to stop at the Sentient Sentinel Satellite on the return trip, to flip the shutdown switch, and punch the reset button on the “Mastery of “GOD” Program, because nobody else was clever, or audaciously brave enough to actually be willing to DO IT, with NO RESERVATIONS!!! I was also given the opportunity to return to any one of my favorite Past Lives, but turned it down because I didn’t want to waste the rest of my lifetime here, in a catatonic state…the nicotine fit I was having after an hour and a half of absent-minded effort to roll a cigarette, brought me back to theVolksWagon “CreamPuff” where I was sitting on my bed with a lap full of tobacco crumbs, on a BLM landing on the side of a BIG hill halfway up to the quarry outside Williams, Oregon, a cute little farming community where I wrote a V-dubClub column in the town’s newsletter. The ‘trip’ lasted 93 minutes, BY THE CLOCK!!! For REAL!!!
UPDATE: Ides of June, 2007
Re: PAGnewsdaily/Personal Evidence via:UFOlawyer, Peter
"If the Universe is a cosmic computer, then we can infer that it has the ability to end one of its programs. Assuming that what we think is "out there" is actually the holographic representation of higher dimensional beings - then Stars within solar systems - monitor cosmic programs. So if we do exist within a such a program - the evidence suggests that it is about to end."
I, too have a short story about conscious psychic, time-travel…
It started with one wild, organic Magic Oregon Amanita Mushroom; and
was powered by the monotonous pulse of my Own Heartbeat, which was one with something way bigger than me, for 93 million-nano-miles to the Island at the End of
the Timeline, to visit the Queen of the Cosmos. I physically remember to this very day, being a bubble in the SeaFoam washing up the shore, and playing WordGames with the Goddess, and winning a chance to stop at the Sentient Sentinel Satellite on the return trip, to flip the shutdown switch, and punch the reset button on the “Mastery of “GOD” Program, because nobody else was clever, or audaciously brave enough to actually be willing to DO IT, with NO RESERVATIONS!!! I was also given the opportunity to return to any one of my favorite Past Lives, but turned it down because I didn’t want to waste the rest of my lifetime here, in a catatonic state…the nicotine fit I was having after an hour and a half of absent-minded effort to roll a cigarette, brought me back to theVolksWagon “CreamPuff” where I was sitting on my bed with a lap full of tobacco crumbs, on a BLM landing on the side of a BIG hill halfway up to the quarry outside Williams, Oregon, a cute little farming community where I wrote a V-dubClub column in the town’s newsletter. The ‘trip’ lasted 93 minutes, BY THE CLOCK!!! For REAL!!!
UPDATE: Ides of June, 2007
Re: PAGnewsdaily/Personal Evidence via:UFOlawyer, Peter
"If the Universe is a cosmic computer, then we can infer that it has the ability to end one of its programs. Assuming that what we think is "out there" is actually the holographic representation of higher dimensional beings - then Stars within solar systems - monitor cosmic programs. So if we do exist within a such a program - the evidence suggests that it is about to end."
Dearly Art Bell’
I, too have a short story about conscious psychic, time-travel…
It started with one wild, organic Magic Oregon Amanita Mushroom; and
was powered by the monotonous pulse of my Own Heartbeat, which was one with something way bigger than me, for 93 million-nano-miles to the Island at the End of
the Timeline, to visit the Queen of the Cosmos. I physically remember to this very day, being a bubble in the SeaFoam washing up the shore, and playing WordGames with the Goddess, and winning a chance to stop at the Sentient Sentinel Satellite on the return trip, to flip the shutdown switch, and punch the reset button on the “Mastery of “GOD” Program, because nobody else was clever, or audaciously brave enough to actually be willing to DO IT, with NO RESERVATIONS!!! I was also given the opportunity to return to any one of my favorite Past Lives, but turned it down because I didn’t want to waste the rest of my lifetime here, in a catatonic state…the nicotine fit I was having after an hour and a half of absent-minded effort to roll a cigarette, brought me back to theVolksWagon “CreamPuff” where I was sitting on my bed with a lap full of tobacco crumbs, on a BLM landing on the side of a BIG hill halfway up to the quarry outside Williams, Oregon, a cute little farming community where I wrote a V-dubClub column in the town’s newsletter. The ‘trip’ lasted 93 minutes, BY THE CLOCK!!! For REAL!!!
I, too have a short story about conscious psychic, time-travel…
It started with one wild, organic Magic Oregon Amanita Mushroom; and
was powered by the monotonous pulse of my Own Heartbeat, which was one with something way bigger than me, for 93 million-nano-miles to the Island at the End of
the Timeline, to visit the Queen of the Cosmos. I physically remember to this very day, being a bubble in the SeaFoam washing up the shore, and playing WordGames with the Goddess, and winning a chance to stop at the Sentient Sentinel Satellite on the return trip, to flip the shutdown switch, and punch the reset button on the “Mastery of “GOD” Program, because nobody else was clever, or audaciously brave enough to actually be willing to DO IT, with NO RESERVATIONS!!! I was also given the opportunity to return to any one of my favorite Past Lives, but turned it down because I didn’t want to waste the rest of my lifetime here, in a catatonic state…the nicotine fit I was having after an hour and a half of absent-minded effort to roll a cigarette, brought me back to theVolksWagon “CreamPuff” where I was sitting on my bed with a lap full of tobacco crumbs, on a BLM landing on the side of a BIG hill halfway up to the quarry outside Williams, Oregon, a cute little farming community where I wrote a V-dubClub column in the town’s newsletter. The ‘trip’ lasted 93 minutes, BY THE CLOCK!!! For REAL!!!
Monday, September 11, 2006

Five years ago, I was homeless in Humboldt County, Ca.,
and sleeping in the Garberville Cemetary with nothing
but a bedroll, backpack, a $10 radio, and my dog, Emily.
I woke up when the sun broke thru the fog and clouds
about 8AM, and I reached over to turn on the radio, like
I did every morning, to here the news that the World
Trade Center in New York had already collapsed. I thought
that it was a bad joke, but hurried to the bar a few blocks
away, where they had a bathroom, coffee, and a big screen TV.
New Yorkers in suits were walking out of Manhattan like
refugees, crowding the bridges that were meant for cars.
The towers had already fallen, and they were showing the
early footage of the buildings on fire, and reporting about
the Pentagon also being targeted...and I remember thinking
how inevitable this kind of attack on these kinds of targets
really was, as serious protest of America's foreign policy
in the World. I didn't feel anger, then or since,
that Americans had been targeted, but that the Government,
the military industrial complex, and the corrupt, corporate control
of the World's resources, the Heart and Belly of the Beast, had
been the targets of a very clear message...the inevitability of
'chickens coming home to roost'.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes
The following excerpts, from the Kingdom of Nye’s Radio Outpost, are presented here to illustrate that sexist attitudes are still a problem among the members of the Boomer Generation.
Elk, a truck-driving Grampa, and the administrator of the forum writes…”I's like to thank you all for coming tonight. Please, sit down and have a cool beverage. I suppose you all are wondering why I called you here tonight. Well folks, welcome to the very first meeting of the N.H.B.O.T.B.T.C. What does it mean? It means, "Nupnorthians hell bent on taking back the country" Thats right...its a done deal. We are sick of watching as the evil little bastards walk all over our civil rights, and use the Constitution as bathroom tissue. And so, we are gonna do something about it.
Whereupon, Sage, the Witch of Woodstock Nation, and Queen of Hipi Road replies…”let's just get my editorial comments on yer language, (which I'll limit to just the flavor of the the first paragraph introduction), outta the way...point: "bastards" is a sexist term, and is not child-friendly, either...point: "bathroom tissue" is a civilized euphemism for 'toilet paper' or TP...suggested edit: change "bastards" to "retards"...rationale: kids understand feelings of contempt for 'stupidity' better when their parentage is not being threatened. If you want Daniel to grow up respecting your honest and passionate opinions, Elk, you gotta be more careful of the words you chose to use to impress him with your powers to talk the walk, and walk the talk. Your Mission, Grampa, is to educate those babies in yer care, to the Truth and Value of LIFe; don't muck them over with gutter talk or duckspeak. 10-4?) end of lecture, next...
And Elk retorts…
Quotepoint: "bathroom tissue" is a civilized euphomism for 'toilet paper' or TP.
Fine. Lets call it what it is...what the hell, we're all adults here, right? Asswipe...butt napkins...a roll o' fun...emergency note pad...There! Happy? At no time have I EVER stated that I was politically correct. Far from it. Im an old fart, and I live by ONE credo. Live and let live.Just so you know, and you seem soooo concerned that I may accidently slip and let a cuss word fly in the company of my 5 week old grandson, thereby forever corrupting his widdle mind, I try to not swear around the grandkids. BUT...I aint perfect. There have been times when Ive let loose with a colorful sentence or two, while in the vicinity of the rug rats. My grandsons look at me and laugh. How often does one get to see grampa drop a hatchet on his foot? Sh*t happens....Bastard is one of many words that has been twisted into meanings other than the true definition. But, I think in this case, (the neo-cons) I believe I used the term correctly. They arent kid friendly and they ARE sexist.I am a dinosaur, Sage. What you see is what you get.Now, if you'll excuse me, Im gonna go hang out at the Nupnorth drugstore and whistle at the chicks as they stroll by..."Twee! Twee! Yeh baby! Shake it!!!"( Did I mention that Im a chauvenist pig as well? )
Sage . “there is no correct use of a homocidal word like 'Bastard', around ANY of the Goddess's Terran Children.”
…warmongers breed bastards to supply life-is-cheap cannonfodder,and I am a NitWit for bothering you poor, crabby futher muckers.sorry.
Elk…Good god, Mrs. Cleaver, take another look. It appears that everyone here has tongue firmly planted in cheek 'cept you!I could, if pushed, whip out my trusty chauvenist pig helmut, tell you to chill out, take two midol, and call your doctor in the morning. But I wont. Instead, I recommend you go back and reread this thread. If you look, real hard, maybe you'll see the humor. This is Nupnorth, Sage. We try very hard to NOT beat things into the sand. It just aint good for the mojo. Now, Im gonna go blow the dust off an old LP Ive had stashed for many years. Its a George Carlin bit..."Seven words you cant say on radio or TV".
Sage…I've never thought anal and phallic bathroom humor was funny.Booby jokes are another matter, because WE ALL GOT TITS!!!and YOU, KISSING MY BUTT would be considered a very funny SCORE, dontcha think??? who's got a picture or cartoon for THAT, tongue-in-cheekies???
Elk…Im sorry you feel my posts are "hogwash", Sage. I guess the only point of view around here, that matters, is yours, eh? So be it. Understand tho, there is a fine line. Be very careful not to cross it.
Sage… yeah, were the one who bragged about yer non-kosher porker mind-set...I thought you'd catch the pun and think it clever...sorry, MY BOO BOO!
(image placeholder)
Elk…Not relevant. You are getting a little too personal. Some of us have known each other for a number of years. There are running jokes that have been kicking around for awhile. I wouldnt expect you to know that, but I would expect you to respect the others and the general tone of the board. If you dont like to laugh, maybe this isnt the place for you.
Co- moderator, Linnea…Hey, Elk. You are quite right. Easy here, Sage. Slow and easy.
Whereupon, Sage is deleted from the Forum BOOM
The following excerpts, from the Kingdom of Nye’s Radio Outpost, are presented here to illustrate that sexist attitudes are still a problem among the members of the Boomer Generation.
Elk, a truck-driving Grampa, and the administrator of the forum writes…”I's like to thank you all for coming tonight. Please, sit down and have a cool beverage. I suppose you all are wondering why I called you here tonight. Well folks, welcome to the very first meeting of the N.H.B.O.T.B.T.C. What does it mean? It means, "Nupnorthians hell bent on taking back the country" Thats right...its a done deal. We are sick of watching as the evil little bastards walk all over our civil rights, and use the Constitution as bathroom tissue. And so, we are gonna do something about it.
Whereupon, Sage, the Witch of Woodstock Nation, and Queen of Hipi Road replies…”let's just get my editorial comments on yer language, (which I'll limit to just the flavor of the the first paragraph introduction), outta the way...point: "bastards" is a sexist term, and is not child-friendly, either...point: "bathroom tissue" is a civilized euphemism for 'toilet paper' or TP...suggested edit: change "bastards" to "retards"...rationale: kids understand feelings of contempt for 'stupidity' better when their parentage is not being threatened. If you want Daniel to grow up respecting your honest and passionate opinions, Elk, you gotta be more careful of the words you chose to use to impress him with your powers to talk the walk, and walk the talk. Your Mission, Grampa, is to educate those babies in yer care, to the Truth and Value of LIFe; don't muck them over with gutter talk or duckspeak. 10-4?) end of lecture, next...
And Elk retorts…
Quotepoint: "bathroom tissue" is a civilized euphomism for 'toilet paper' or TP.
Fine. Lets call it what it is...what the hell, we're all adults here, right? Asswipe...butt napkins...a roll o' fun...emergency note pad...There! Happy? At no time have I EVER stated that I was politically correct. Far from it. Im an old fart, and I live by ONE credo. Live and let live.Just so you know, and you seem soooo concerned that I may accidently slip and let a cuss word fly in the company of my 5 week old grandson, thereby forever corrupting his widdle mind, I try to not swear around the grandkids. BUT...I aint perfect. There have been times when Ive let loose with a colorful sentence or two, while in the vicinity of the rug rats. My grandsons look at me and laugh. How often does one get to see grampa drop a hatchet on his foot? Sh*t happens....Bastard is one of many words that has been twisted into meanings other than the true definition. But, I think in this case, (the neo-cons) I believe I used the term correctly. They arent kid friendly and they ARE sexist.I am a dinosaur, Sage. What you see is what you get.Now, if you'll excuse me, Im gonna go hang out at the Nupnorth drugstore and whistle at the chicks as they stroll by..."Twee! Twee! Yeh baby! Shake it!!!"( Did I mention that Im a chauvenist pig as well? )
Sage . “there is no correct use of a homocidal word like 'Bastard', around ANY of the Goddess's Terran Children.”
…warmongers breed bastards to supply life-is-cheap cannonfodder,and I am a NitWit for bothering you poor, crabby futher muckers.sorry.
Elk…Good god, Mrs. Cleaver, take another look. It appears that everyone here has tongue firmly planted in cheek 'cept you!I could, if pushed, whip out my trusty chauvenist pig helmut, tell you to chill out, take two midol, and call your doctor in the morning. But I wont. Instead, I recommend you go back and reread this thread. If you look, real hard, maybe you'll see the humor. This is Nupnorth, Sage. We try very hard to NOT beat things into the sand. It just aint good for the mojo. Now, Im gonna go blow the dust off an old LP Ive had stashed for many years. Its a George Carlin bit..."Seven words you cant say on radio or TV".
Sage…I've never thought anal and phallic bathroom humor was funny.Booby jokes are another matter, because WE ALL GOT TITS!!!and YOU, KISSING MY BUTT would be considered a very funny SCORE, dontcha think??? who's got a picture or cartoon for THAT, tongue-in-cheekies???
Elk…Im sorry you feel my posts are "hogwash", Sage. I guess the only point of view around here, that matters, is yours, eh? So be it. Understand tho, there is a fine line. Be very careful not to cross it.
Sage… yeah, were the one who bragged about yer non-kosher porker mind-set...I thought you'd catch the pun and think it clever...sorry, MY BOO BOO!
(image placeholder)
Elk…Not relevant. You are getting a little too personal. Some of us have known each other for a number of years. There are running jokes that have been kicking around for awhile. I wouldnt expect you to know that, but I would expect you to respect the others and the general tone of the board. If you dont like to laugh, maybe this isnt the place for you.
Co- moderator, Linnea…Hey, Elk. You are quite right. Easy here, Sage. Slow and easy.
Whereupon, Sage is deleted from the Forum BOOM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
On the Death of Our Shaman
Patrick Kevin O’Brien
4.2.55-March 2000-jailed.
A Crystal Goblet sails suspended
On an Arc of Time
Across a Fieldstone Hearth,
And his Holy Soul flashes blue
As he dances in the Matrix Flame,
...a Phantom of his Nation.
I am jealous of his Liberty,
And take Courage from it.
Forever and Fondly Remembered
by Morgana Sage,
Witch of Woodstock Nation
On the Death of Our Shaman
Patrick Kevin O’Brien
4.2.55-March 2000-jailed.
A Crystal Goblet sails suspended
On an Arc of Time
Across a Fieldstone Hearth,
And his Holy Soul flashes blue
As he dances in the Matrix Flame,
...a Phantom of his Nation.
I am jealous of his Liberty,
And take Courage from it.
Forever and Fondly Remembered
by Morgana Sage,
Witch of Woodstock Nation
Grievance Petition
From the 2nd District. April 2000
We, the Free People of Legendary Humboldt Nation
Do hereby petition Humboldt County to address our grievance against the wrongful death of Patrick Kevin O’Brien, by the use of excessive and brutal police harassment, criminal endangerment, and denial of Human,
Civil, and Constitutional Rights, for the last 12 years of his life.
We expect recognition of these war-crimes against the ‘homeless’, our most vulnerable citizenry..
We expect compensation as victims of said injustice…
We expect reparations in the form of Affirmative Action towards viable and sustainable progress into a Positive Future as a civilized people, living and working together in Peace.
We, therefore DEMAND that Left Field at Tooby Park be rededicated as the
To Honor the Sovereign Native Spirit of Hip Culture, Peace, and Revolution.
We call upon the Veterans for Peace to provide security and direction for LOCAL control and administration of said Campgrounds, and
We REQUIRE effective outreach by the County Dept. of Social Services to facilitate LOCAL access and delivery of Food Stamp and Welfare Services,
to the residents of Southern Humboldt County.
for the Free People of Humboldt Nation
and the Rainbow Elder's Council,
Mateel Wheel, R'Way, California,
Morgana Sage, Mayor, pro-tem,
Y2K Sovereignty Township Steering Committee
Note: the only demand that was met, in response to this Petition, was the elimination of the requirement to go 60 miles to Eureka, the county seat, to qualify for FoodStamps. Of course, the local Social Services office had to upgrade their technology so they could fingerprint everybody in their hometown.
From the 2nd District. April 2000
We, the Free People of Legendary Humboldt Nation
Do hereby petition Humboldt County to address our grievance against the wrongful death of Patrick Kevin O’Brien, by the use of excessive and brutal police harassment, criminal endangerment, and denial of Human,
Civil, and Constitutional Rights, for the last 12 years of his life.
We expect recognition of these war-crimes against the ‘homeless’, our most vulnerable citizenry..
We expect compensation as victims of said injustice…
We expect reparations in the form of Affirmative Action towards viable and sustainable progress into a Positive Future as a civilized people, living and working together in Peace.
We, therefore DEMAND that Left Field at Tooby Park be rededicated as the
To Honor the Sovereign Native Spirit of Hip Culture, Peace, and Revolution.
We call upon the Veterans for Peace to provide security and direction for LOCAL control and administration of said Campgrounds, and
We REQUIRE effective outreach by the County Dept. of Social Services to facilitate LOCAL access and delivery of Food Stamp and Welfare Services,
to the residents of Southern Humboldt County.
for the Free People of Humboldt Nation
and the Rainbow Elder's Council,
Mateel Wheel, R'Way, California,
Morgana Sage, Mayor, pro-tem,
Y2K Sovereignty Township Steering Committee
Note: the only demand that was met, in response to this Petition, was the elimination of the requirement to go 60 miles to Eureka, the county seat, to qualify for FoodStamps. Of course, the local Social Services office had to upgrade their technology so they could fingerprint everybody in their hometown.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Diary Entry
From the GoddessChronicles/ TV Journal.August, 2006
4th Sabbat evening…
I just saw and heard an anthropologically, but very feminist, Cultural Truism, spoken by an AvalonGoddess-type, woman-character on the Saturday Sci-Fi Channel: She said, to a hero-type Warrior:
“Men are remembered for their IronWorks
and smithing skills, but the Women will be
remembered a lot longer, for their artful
crafting of gold artifacts and pretty stones
that outlive any tapestry of men’s deeds, and histories.”
From the GoddessChronicles/ TV Journal.August, 2006
4th Sabbat evening…
I just saw and heard an anthropologically, but very feminist, Cultural Truism, spoken by an AvalonGoddess-type, woman-character on the Saturday Sci-Fi Channel: She said, to a hero-type Warrior:
“Men are remembered for their IronWorks
and smithing skills, but the Women will be
remembered a lot longer, for their artful
crafting of gold artifacts and pretty stones
that outlive any tapestry of men’s deeds, and histories.”
Friday, August 25, 2006
From: The Retired Healers Nursing Notes/file
Subject: UTI(s) in the Beer-drinking Male
Another brother/friend has recently mentioned this similar problem, so I’ve decided to write up the case on my blog,
FYI, and FREE copy of Rx.
Heartthrob Jaime came over the other day to ask me about an alarming episode of bloody urine, that lasted half the day after he’d just barely gotten back at all, from one of his binges.
I snorted and laughed at him, for catching the too-much-beer-too-fast syndrome, resulting in alcohol trauma to the capillaries feeding the cellwalls that line the inside of the bladder, because “pissing beer” before ya ever leave the Party. leads to left over alcohol erosion burn of explosive vein tips, and nerve synapses on it’s way out of the body as unburned fire water, which also causes hemorrhoids to flare up and/or bleed, but no brotherman would even mention that symptom to a woman.
I told him to take the following herbs for three days, and if the episode didn’t repeat or clear in those three days,
GO TO his own Doctor.
Receipt Rx: for UTI, Episodic Hemorrhages/Bladder
(Note: all dosages are commercial
00-gelatin capsules, except the Garlic gelcaps,
and are available at Wally’s World ,
or herb stores,
or some drugstores/OTC pharmacies)
to strengthen damaged veining structures and
waste-elimination systems.
3.GOLDENSEAL(anti-biotic). 2 caps. at bedtime,
for 3 nights,
To comfort and heal inner
mem(or”y”)-brain’d amaged nerve-endings.
Repeat Warning: if episode repeats, or is not cleared
in 3 days, visit a Medical Professional. ASAP.
Subject: UTI(s) in the Beer-drinking Male
Another brother/friend has recently mentioned this similar problem, so I’ve decided to write up the case on my blog,
FYI, and FREE copy of Rx.
Heartthrob Jaime came over the other day to ask me about an alarming episode of bloody urine, that lasted half the day after he’d just barely gotten back at all, from one of his binges.
I snorted and laughed at him, for catching the too-much-beer-too-fast syndrome, resulting in alcohol trauma to the capillaries feeding the cellwalls that line the inside of the bladder, because “pissing beer” before ya ever leave the Party. leads to left over alcohol erosion burn of explosive vein tips, and nerve synapses on it’s way out of the body as unburned fire water, which also causes hemorrhoids to flare up and/or bleed, but no brotherman would even mention that symptom to a woman.
I told him to take the following herbs for three days, and if the episode didn’t repeat or clear in those three days,
GO TO his own Doctor.
Receipt Rx: for UTI, Episodic Hemorrhages/Bladder
(Note: all dosages are commercial
00-gelatin capsules, except the Garlic gelcaps,
and are available at Wally’s World ,
or herb stores,
or some drugstores/OTC pharmacies)
- VALARIAN (sedative)and GARLIC(anti-biotic), 2 caps. Each, AM,PM,bedtime (t.i.d.)X3 days,,,for: calm and comfort to the heart, bloodpressure, and withdrawal symptoms. The garlic also retards yeast cells, and boosts heart muscle strength.
- CAYENNE, One caps. w/ LOTS of water,
to strengthen damaged veining structures and
waste-elimination systems.
3.GOLDENSEAL(anti-biotic). 2 caps. at bedtime,
for 3 nights,
To comfort and heal inner
mem(or”y”)-brain’d amaged nerve-endings.
Repeat Warning: if episode repeats, or is not cleared
in 3 days, visit a Medical Professional. ASAP.
Friday, August 18, 2006
WE, the Free People of
to walk Our Medicine Path
and assume Reservation Status as the
that Leneard Peltier be granted
IMMEDIATE AMNESTY, with apology,
from the President of the United States
for the criminal malfeasance of the FBI, and
on ALL commercial harvest of
whatever is left of
Our Endangered Ancient Redwood
Cathedral Forests, and
by any means necessary.
So, be it RESOLVED that the
PEACE SIGN of Hip 60's Culture
Kali Morgana Sage, dedicated chair,
Nat'l. Witch's N.O.W. E.R.A. TaskForce,
Feminist Majority Caucus, since 1975,
Agent Provacateur, Humboldt Nation
Rainbow Elder's Council, and
Renegade N.O.W. Chapter, Y2K
WE, the Free People of
to walk Our Medicine Path
and assume Reservation Status as the
that Leneard Peltier be granted
IMMEDIATE AMNESTY, with apology,
from the President of the United States
for the criminal malfeasance of the FBI, and
on ALL commercial harvest of
whatever is left of
Our Endangered Ancient Redwood
Cathedral Forests, and
by any means necessary.
So, be it RESOLVED that the
PEACE SIGN of Hip 60's Culture
Kali Morgana Sage, dedicated chair,
Nat'l. Witch's N.O.W. E.R.A. TaskForce,
Feminist Majority Caucus, since 1975,
Agent Provacateur, Humboldt Nation
Rainbow Elder's Council, and
Renegade N.O.W. Chapter, Y2K
Saturday, August 12, 2006
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