Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What I learned at the Hallowe'en Party

All Saint’s Day 2006

In the mundane world of Physics,
every action is believed to provoke
an equal and opposite reaction.
In the magical realm of Meta-physics, however,
a provocative action can be expected to
incite an insightful, and possibly enhanced, response.

Language is a meta-physical, as well as a political Science.
The words we use are metaphors, symbolic of thought, tools
of our instinctual need to communicate with, and connect to our fellow-travelers, a human race of mindful and spiritual Beings.

Headblind, patriarchal primitives have constructed a monotheistic, cultural paradigm which uses words like ‘God’ and ‘fatherhood’ to support a theory of masculinist supremacy, in the Heavens as on Earth, and also uses words like Bitch, Witch, and Slut, to illustrate rejection of equal but opposite conceptions, defining WomanKind as ‘the Other”, the antithesis of mankind’s Creator myths, resulting in world-wide death-cult milieu of subjugation to violence, denial, and slavery, power plays used definitively as survival of the fittest skills. People who are culturally addicted to illogical powers of controlling uncertainties, are acting out their fear of the “unknown’, the basic animal instinct of fight-or-flight, and rarely reach a synthesis of sentient understanding concerning ‘their place’ in the Life on this Planet, or in the Cosmos.

It is my opinion that ‘the Creator’s’ purpose in giving homo-sapients intelligence, is to make every Mother’s task easier..Namely, to teach Her Children to use that gift to become humane, sentient Beings, welcome on the threshold of any Cosmic Mission. Survival is not the ultimate goal of Intelligent Life on this Planet. Our Goal, (God’s plan for us?) is to learn how to evolve and ascend to a higher plane of existence, without an unnecessary fear of Death, because no energy is ever lost. refererence:

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