Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Except for the above evidence of obvious collusion with CLM's Gestapo, and some persistent muck-racking by yokel, non-titular Tecopan yuppies, this Community's MayDay Crisis with the County has been resolved in the People's favor....
Trash collection will NOT be changed in the foreseeable future; the Library's cooling system has been repaired at Yokel Kenny's expense; and the Community Center's shopping shuttle service, has been upgraded under a new contract with a more professional service provder, so that Our New BRRRoohm will be flying to Pahrump banks, stores, and doctor appointments, as regularly scheduled.
We are having a Wonderfully Peaceful Summer.

Thursday, May 17, 2007



ABOUT THE BROKEN AIR-CONDITIONER AT THE LIBRARY, THAT WILL RIGHTLY COST THE COUNTY A REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT BILL, TO BE PAID BY OUR TAXMONEY FROM THE COUNTY BUDGET…SOONEST!!! Nancy, the Librarian, has had to go home sick from the heat by 10AM most days, and has no time to swelter over the Community Computer, clearing backlogs and build-ups, etc., so, Internet Access is currently unavailable too,
due to just the FIRST hot slam of the door on Spring!!!
It’s already too hot to work so hard at frantic antics,
at least until Our not-so-young-anymore, MachoGirlyBamBam’s back gets better!!! And by then, I would hope y’all learn
to quit acting like terrible two year olds,
squawking for attention.

Luv and Peas, Morgana Sage, Mayor, pro-tem, local4592
Sovereignty Township Steering Committee
at BlackDogJunction@,
on the Old Spanish Trail

Monday, May 14, 2007

County has deleted Social Services to Tecopa
from their Vegas Mafioso Racketeering Budget.
I want to call the FBI, Dept. of Homeland Security,
and FEMA for HELP!!!. How!!! except to blog it everywhere!!!
911 @92389 Severe Fire Hazard in the high desert bush!!!
and We, and Our Medicine Baths, are being held under
corporate seige, our supply lines have been choked off!!!
and we are not ambulatory enough to evacuate, even if we had somewhere else to go...
...ergo, We qualify for Direct Federal and State Assistance,
and expect Investigation and Prosecution of our yokel Racketeers,
who are trying to force Us HomeTowners to move elsewhere so "they" can gentrify the Hot Springs Neighborhoods, and get richer on Graft
by exploiting Our Well Water, as well as Our Bath Waters. And "they" are doing it with earmarked funding from Federal and State Social Service Programs.

RED ALERT!!! S---O...S---

Friday, April 27, 2007

SpiderWoman says so, says so!!!

Hey, Dodder, Check this out, will ya? Have ya already?

According to Mary Daly, author of “When God was a Woman” circa. 1970,
Big Brother has been trying to control Us Proles, since Lilith the Snake, told Eve that an Apple a day, would keep “the Doctor” away… before 1984 even, and long before the mid-evil Catholic Hierarchy burned WomanKind’s Knowledge of Herbal FolkLore, and the Enlightened Scientists who thought outside the unchristian, fascist box.
In OUR Sovereign Nation of The Kingdom of EveryBody’s God on Earth,
Jethro Kloss is a BibleWriter, and Hemp shall be UN-regulated by anyone except the Amerikan Farmer!!! Viva las Revolutionaries!!!

Organic Polemics 2007

A GREEN Economy = +++FARM AID!!!

Feminism is The Organic BodyPolitic.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Second Term Winners

Re-Election '12

Venus Transit Campaign Flag '08 and '12

Peruvian Solstice Sunrise

CLM Boycotting Gramma's FIST

ABORT CLM Regime/Contract
Throne Room and Mayor's Office at

with Hipi Road

Inyo County Public Baths

under Seige to CLM

Wild Bath

before High Wind blew the Tree down,

and the County cordoned off open access.

MoonRise over Tecopa's Sunset Mountains

looking East

for: AmonMa'at

and Mary SummerRain

Mud Bath

Still FREE, but...muddy!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

From: TecopaSeti Chapter
of Renegade Witch's
and Homamaker's N.O.W. 92389

Feminist Opinion/ re: racist and sexist remarks

Don Imus DESERVES to Graciously Resign,
collect what's left of his contacted salary,
and do community service to help pay off
his Network's fines. (as Sincere Apology)

or else...the Boss can justly FIRE him,
which is really OK because he's been
fired before, and it's NOT gonna make
him homeless.

Wikipedia says,
"In high school, he was impeached
as class president for behaving like a dictator."
Sage says,
"I think somebody should remind Brother Don
that Today's young Basketball players,
are Tomorrow's Coast Guard, Naval, and Marine Corps Officers."

Friday, March 23, 2007

Picture this...

Kirby's Coach, on the farm road between Mechlinburg and Odessa, New York, I was playing pool with a Backpack Touring Woman named Janis,
when she looked up from her bead on the 8ball, and right at me, she said, "I dont suppose that Romance turns yer stomack(sneer). heh heh eheh heh ehe heh ...still makes me laugh, rememberin'. Specially, since she convinced me that she WAS Joplin, post mastectomy. Said she was living in a Collective Community outside DeKaulb Junction, N.Y., with a man named Crow. Come to think of it...she might be still there. must google, later!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Caught in the Act:

MidNight Snack Attack

Pegasus ravishing

My Birthday Cake

(I've ALWAYS KNOWN about her SweetTooth)

Monday, March 12, 2007



"don't gimme no grief, Child!!!"



ShoshonePauline's Widow, Queen Mary

aka: Calamity Jane @ and to Us,

HerMajesty's Canine Subjects

here (@) BlackDog Junction.

to All Ye Jahnean Fans in SoCal...

OUR Comfy Gay Georgia CouchPeach, and My Favorite Son Homey Robert, at My Birthday Party showing of Al Gore's Movie/Lecture, "An Inconvenient Truth"

note: We were all drunk

on Piasano Wine.

Georgian Pegasus

after Her Bath at Delight's

suckin' on a cold roach

for the tasty smell of it.

We Old, Fat Hipi Wemyn,
who have never worn panties,
KNOW very well that
One does NOT need to
get naked to sit on a nice lap.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Contributed by Robert at


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good
terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even to the dull and the
ignorant; they too have their own story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are
vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter, for always there
will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however
humble; it is a real possession in the changing
fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery. But let this not
blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face
of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as
perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in
sudden misfortune. But do not distress
yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle
with yourself. You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars; you have
a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear
to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding
as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you
conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors
and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Written by Max Ehrmann; © 1927

Friday, March 09, 2007

For Elderly Irish Tenors and Contraltos

Bread and Roses

As we go marching, marching
In the beauty of the day
A million darkened kitchens
A thousand mill lofts grey
Are touched with all the radiance
That a sudden sun discloses
For the people hear us singing
Bread and roses, bread and roses

As we go marching, marching
We battle too for men
For they are womens children
And we mother them again
Our lives shall not be sweated
From birth until life closes
Hearts starve as well as bodies
Give us bread, but give us roses.

As we go marching, marching
We bring the greater days
For the rising of the women
Means the rising of the race
No more the drudge and idler
Ten that toil where one reposes
But the sharing of lifes glories
Bread and roses, bread and roses.

Words by James Oppenheim (1912)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Poetry for the Un-Cured RomanticFool Card Folks
of the Gypsy Tarot Clan
Enjoy the well-scrubbed Airs of March,
all ye blowhards and blowfishies!!!
luv and raw sweetpeas, Sage
In, "LionHeart" gives us
this EveryFather's Tribute to his Daughters.

Madonna Mia by Oscar Wilde

A lily-girl, not made for this world's pain,
With brown, soft hair close braided by her ears,
And longing eyes half veiled by slumberous tears
Like bluest water seen through mists of rain:
Pale cheeks whereon no love hath left its stain,
Red underlip drawn in for fear of love,
And white throat, whiter than the silvered dove,
Through whose wan marble creeps one purple vein.
Yet, though my lips shall praise her without cease,
Even to kiss her feet I am not bold,
Being o'ershadowed by the wings of awe,
Like Dante, when he stood with Beatrice
Beneath the flaming Lion's breast, and saw
The seventh Crystal, and the Stair of Gold.
--- End forwarded message ---

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sage’s Equations Edition of the BroadsSide Rag
Polemic Definitives 2007
Memo to: KPAHrumpRadio
CATCH THIS INSULT from TecopaSetiSage:
“I’m one of the activist architects around here,
and yer just another pro bono.”

So, print out, sign, and snailmail these Bylaws, to: POB116,92389
Sovereignty Township Steering Committee
Tecopasetic Policy Statement and Bylaws
We do adopt the following guidelines as basic protocol to enhance our social dynamics:
¨ We will be humane, gentle and courteous with each other.
¨ We will share honest passions, and not dump angst on each other.
¨ We will not make false accusatory statements against each other.
¨ We will not target each other with cheap shots.
¨ We will not tread upon, or trip over, each other’s various personalities.
¨ We will open our hearts to each other, and willingly make attitude adjustments together.

An insult is an ‘accusatory statement’.
i.e. “yer missing MORE than just the womb chakra, poor boy of the Man kind.”
Ain’t that aTruth, tho…? heh heh

Ergo: by the Magic of Metaphor, the WordMuse and Writer’s Goddess, I, Sage, am telling You:
like Our Generation was born to do!!!
Therefore: the justifiable use of the Judgmental
Magical Powers of Metaphor to
SAVE the Peace of Our WORLD,
IZ VERY PC!!! Viva la Revolucion!!!

Nursing Notes: Harvey of Kpah
Dx .Psychic Vampirism; a sexist, monomaniacal psychosis with hysterical penetration angst ,a deeply rooted persecution complex, and willful hordes of toxic baggage.
Conjecture: Small-statured males seem to be genetically neurotic, and predisposed to faulty attitudinal disorders, culturally flawed reasoning powers, painful panic syndromes, dependencies, and addictions to power.
Prognosis: Most likely, NOT curable without conscious epiphany.

Observation: Rural Communities which have had the advantage of Ma Bell’s Party Line Services, have always been closely knit.
Therefore: Call-In Talk Shows on KTCP Township Radio,
should be the Collective’s Primary Format Style,
to include emergency, off-grid, communications networking
with Local Residents and Personnel.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Tecopa’s Second Town Meeting
of the 21st Century
Feb. 24, 2007

We who were there,
know who wasn’t, and
those who weren’t, don’t.

Harvey and Gerry of
arrived on the Noon Stage, and since nobody
was hungry enough to bring food, we cancelled
the Potluck, and moved the Agenda by opening
a bottle of Red Californian Spumante, and raised
a Toast to a framed photo of Mrs. Barbara Price,
The Mother of the Omega Miracle Project,
Chairing Tecopa’s First Town Meeting
in February of 2002.
Barbara is gone, but her Miracle lives on.

Harvey then delivered an update on the
FCC’s latest auctioning of Tecopa’s lease
coordinates to out-of-state, well-moneyed,
broadcast license grabbers, and Jon decided
to give the Pahrumpians permission to bring
a more TecopaSetic broadcast capability,
with a low watt transmitter for the hill out back,
to his Downtown property.

Whereupon, the rest of the Agenda concerning
County politics, was tabled for future discussion,
and the meeting was adjourned to tour the
property for studio space and elevations.

Zee Bard’s Home Coming Party was over in time
for Siesta, and his Home Coming Present was a
windblown and tattered, Gadsden Flag.

Submitted by me, Sage of BlackdogJunction

Friday, February 23, 2007

Consider this: @ question and answer session at the Town Meeting
on Saturday. Feb. 24, High Noon....
the question from a Helen Thomas type:
" Can a californicated Republican, represent his home-town desert insurgency of Grassroots Democrats, Independant Republicans, and Green Party Sovereign Voters, under the Don't Tread on the Rattlesnake Flag, the Eastern Seaboard Naval Battle Ensign of the first American Revolutionery WarVeteran's Era, which later became known as a sovereign for the Gadsen Purchase of western lands. circa 1830s,
on the Inyo County Board of Supervisors???"
Jon's Reply..
Absolutely! Before most of anyone still around here even knew this place existed, I was here helping my dear old Dad enjoy his dream. Now, most everything around here is because of my love and understanding of everybody who decides to live out beyond the reach of the "city" life. While there are some around here who don't care too much for me, for whatever their reasons, I can represent them all. All of Us out here are the "OUTCASTS" of Inyo County. Yet, We are the future of Inyo. See you at high noon.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tecopa's StagKing Returns
I'm Baaaack!

Last Year's HouseParty in the MeinShaft Bar was REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!!
Don't miss this one:

The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union,
The Sisterhood of the Vortex,
Cordially Invite ALL
Tecopasetic and Titular Tecopans
to the ZBard's Homecoming Party,
Saturday, Febuary 24th, 2007.High Noon,
at the Mein Shaft Bar in Z'Bard's Castle
at Tecopa Station on Old Spanish Trail,
and to the sub rosa
Agenda: Memorial Toast to Barbara Price,
the Mother of the Omega Miracle.
Discussion of Proposed Community Radio Station.
Proposal to make Richard Cervantes
a one-term Inyo County Supervisor.
Yokel Referendum to Draft Jon Zellhoefer
to represent Tecopa on the County Board.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year 2007

right clic:copy and paste to www address bar:
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Happy Wild Boar.htm

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

HappiHipi Valentine to:

Carol Andrade VroomanBiker.circaY2K

Marian Class of '67,

Summer of Lovers CyberReUnion

Valentine LionHeart responds,

High Sage,Well--he's not the only one from the 'Seven Sisters' Constellation--I am too--and I know there a few million's sweet of you to take us seriously..:))LoveLionHeart
Monday February 12, 2007 - 05:37pm (PST)

Valentine from

Jahne'ven Pegasus, Fiance'e


you BOWL

me over.

My Most Nostalgic Valentine:

Clyde E. Williams, circa 1976

USS Yorktown, VietVet

A Happy Valentine from
Lavendar Lil',
SweetHeart of BlackDogJunction
Posted by Picasa


Dear Bob, and please Fw to; Becky,
Don’t look for any verbal or written response from yer Dad…He is dyslexic, ya know…and he can’t spell worth a fart joke, either. BUTT…He HAS learned to be quite psychic, and dream-fluent, over the years, and he DOES send his love to You Both, daily!! Just like I do, inspurts, and in the Spirit of Crazy Horse.
Has He ever told you His Story, that he stuck to for years, about being from a Star in the Pleiades Constellation.??? I actually listened to his periodic updates, and KNEW he wasn’t lying, because he NEVER lied about ANYthing. So, I’ve always believed that His version of His Own History, must be TRUE.
So, who are YOU Two, to criticize and disrespect your loving Father’s Life with His Katherine???
It took three trys, but yer Dad has managed to wind-up with the Girl of His High School Dreams, when his nickname around campus was “Cathy’s Clown”. Hurray!!

How’s Todd and Beckee?? Sure do wish I had some pics of yer Dad and Kathrine(? Unsure of name), and of Your teen-aged years, You and Daughter Booh!!! Luv, Mom

Psst…Happy Valentine’s Day
I still love Willy, till death do us part.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

InnerCity Yew Norker,
Lake Effect Party BeerRunner


I am getting real tired of watching yer weather girls fly off the handle with negative alarmist attitudes about the fear factors involving helpless yuppies driving to work.

Having spent the best years of my life in the Heart of New York, I'm here in Death Valley remembering fondly, being SnowBound in the City, and the Woods, several times, and being totally impressed with the weather-hardiness that bordered on finesse, as displayed and acted upon, by the Citizens of the NeighborHoods, who resort to Home Rule Anarchy as a primary survival skill of self-government.

So, know this! dear weather people....Being SnowBound in New York is NOT 'miserable', as you've insisted on reporting! Yew Norkers are quite capable of handling a work and school shut-down without complaint. Make sure you are around later for the heroic tales that will abound among the hip, survivalist artists and musicians and bards, and Mothers, who will need to be reimbursed for expenses, and given recognition for their social works in times of danger.

I LOVE NY, and Yew Norkers, Seer/Accuze Sage 2007
Blizzard Haiku, by SteelCitySage, 1.31.1978

Your coming strikes terror of suspension
in the Heart of Time.
Your Hand is laid on the screech of Civilization,
and all is halted by the silent violence
of your icy, white dominance.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

MannaFeministaAmerikana/Home Rule 2012
refer to:Dream Journal/Doomsday's Venus Transit,
Wednesday, October 19, 2005/Archive
From: Morgana Sage, Nat’l. Chair, Witches N.O.W. E.R.A. Task Force
and Radical Action Wing, since 1976;
AND...Renegade N.O.W. Chapter
@BlackDogJunction/Renunciate Guild House, 2007:

Dear Jon,
I am NOT voting to send you to Sacramento, ever again.
I don't agree with yer grandiose, corporate dreams of development
in this alkali desert, My HOME.
In 20 years, the only People who will be living here, will be wind and
solar farmers who can survive, thrive, and teach how to survive
independently of the grid, which will likely be in a shambles and
supporting only a bare-boned existence in the Nation's city slums,
where loser's will be trapped, snared to meager existence, tied to
meager resources, unable to walk across the Desert, much less
live long enough in extreme conditions, to terrorize Tecopasetic
Desert Tribes, just to steal vegetables, and eat home grown and
slaughtered coyote meat, or make flour out of corkscrewed beans
that grow on trees.
My Vision of Tecopa Station, as soon as 2012, is of fruit and nut
orchards, on all corner's of the Downtown Junction,
where food and shade will be FREE for the judicious Park 'n' Pick Crowd
of ALL Tecopasetic, Titular, and Sovereign Survivors.

So mote it be My Way instead of Yours, King Stag!!!
luv and raw sweetpeas, Sage

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Come to Yahoo version of Sovereignty Rag:
and to the Tecopa Boycott Blog:

BlackDog Junction and RoadRunner Creek

Sage's Throne Room and Mayor's Office

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Re: Leanne’s WHINEY Petition

I’ve only lived in Tecopa’s Downtown Neighborhood
for the last five years, but…even I know that
Leanne Conus is one of the last old-timer antagonists
of the 20th Century Zellafir Feud, and that her version
of the new age Vista that is Tecopa Stage Stop, these days,
is more than slightly out of myopic focus.
Her ‘facts’ are wrong, misleading, and felonious false witness.
As a YearRound Resident and Tax Payer, still,
I’m writing to tell you that the mosquito population, this last summer
was obviously living elsewhere in the Heights, because they sure were scarce in downtown, after the baby fishes and crawdads and egrets and roadrunners ate up almost all the larvae, and the bats took out most of those survivors. RoadRunner Creek is a lassoed wild, living body of freshwater, diverted thru 50 feet of old sewer pipes under the road, from the NorthSide property across Old Spanish Trail, into a small settling pond that drains down to the River across Jon’s Watershed to his GreenHouse and Future WaterWheel.
So, LEANNE!!! Stick THIS up yer Pipes, and flush it!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tongue-in-Cheeky I.Q.Test
(for Feminists, and other non-reactionary Adults)
(Warning: must have a sense of humor to ‘get it’.)

Which of the following “general statements” is FALSE???

1.) Real Hipis don’t do “drugs”.
2.) Real Men don’t eat quiche.
3.) Real Women don’t duck sick.

Correct answer……#2, by reason of polemic euphemism.
(refer to Wikepedia about a best-selling,
tongue-in-cheek book of that name,
by Bruce Feirstein, pub.1982,
that disproved stereotypes.)
note: #1 and #3 are generally true,
based on empirical research.
note: anybody who doesn’t appreciate this kind of
humor, and wants to argue the validity
of either of the generally true statements,
aint too bright, flunks the test, and should
exit my blog, without prejudice.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Martin!!!

Forty years ago at Riverside Church, people of conscience declared that "a time comes when silence is betrayal."
"We are at the moment when our lives must be placed on the line if our nation is to survive its own folly. Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest," King preached that day.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Cheif Tecopa's Once and Future WindFarm,
and TecopaSetiPeople's SolarPower Co-op Site

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dearly 'Heart and Consort...
Please cum to Tecopa's Sovereignty Township to supervise the restoration of a misted, DesertGreenHouse, in which the townfolks here can grow hordes of sweet peas; i.e.'preparedness' tactics of
Cheif Tecopa's Once and Future WindFarm,
and TecopaSetiPeople's Solar Power Co-oPerative.
So, I have printed out yer resume, and am sending it to the LandLord of My Heart, the Owner of a derelict,
but restorable to foodplant status/Greenhouse.
And so, Jon and jglionheart,
consider yerselves introduced,
for future reference???

'WE' CAN LIVE ON LOVE...and RawPeas grown on Artesian Desert Water!!! ...Sage

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Dearly Geri Rose, and High AngeMichael???
Thanx for being such a good friend to
Our GeorgianPegasus ClanSister. And if You choose to help her accomplish the Mission she has taken on herself for My Benefit
Birthday Present, even to the point of using her whole savings account for a golfcart, instead of paying off her GA. Tickets so she can keep her driving priveledges…..
Geri, I have aged twenty years since I had my first(and so far, ONLY) broken bone injury on your property…Thank Goddess that my lawyer promised me a nut-check in six months, as apposed to a 5 year liability suit.
So now that I actually have the budget flexibility to stretch
a line item to include $50.00 a month, for the rest of my life, to either You or Jahnean, and actually live long enough, happily paying out the $500.00 gift (returns someday) to Thomas Headley, for Kathleen and the Twins, the last month before I left on New Year’s Day, 2002 when You and Me STILL were NOT yet on speaking terms, if y’ll remember!!!
Never have had the operation to re-break the ankle, and get it pinned…so, the damned thing is STILL broken, and has taken out the cartilage under my last good knee , which now rolls on rock s, clogging the mortar and pestle.
So thusly, If Jahnean INSISTS on getting the available cart,
come hell or highwater!!! why dontcha help her to drive it into my desert resort Birthday Soak Party, in memory of Janis Joplin??? I’ve got a really nice CruiseShip MuuMuu for You, if Jahnean doesn’t see it Firsties!
I could go on about the Cayenne in the Venison Stew Blunder, and the Clear Warning you gave me, Schizo..., when you told me you WANTED to get me off the Goat Farm. I knew then that I needed to get those AZ tags for the Vdub , so that you wouldn’t have to feel guilty about making me homeless….
….but I won’t!....I am letting those by-gones be gone, if not forgotten. Will You forgive Me, and forget my debts to You, por favor???
Luv and NO PEAS IN THE STEW< EITHER, Sage at 58’07
Pssst…If You don’t give a positive response to this proposal, I’ll NEVER forgive You for putting Cayenne in that FreshRoadKilled Venison Stew!!! I CLEARLY remember that My Behavior was
certainly more Kosher than either Yours, OR that Jewish neighbor of yours, whose air-voice sounded like she WAS chewing on aluminum foil like I heard her say on-air, and SHE cracked me up!!! With a Semetic JAPcurse(incohoots with.Dau, dontcha KNOW? THAT’s the ‘why’ of that break on the day after Gypsy Chain got killed in the Woods.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thelma’s Page

Thelma Angelo was a longtime resident of Shoshone Trail Park, a former client of Tecopa Community Center’s Senior Programs, and a Founding Mother of the SovereignTreatyShadeUnion, who has recently retired to more easily assisted apartment living in her Elder Brother’s Carson City Neighborhood. She has sent the following Poetry and Testimony in support of the Boycott…enjoy!
I don’t want to sound disrespectful
When I ask Saint Peter to wait,
But there’s a place I long to visit
Before I pass thru his Pearly Gate:
It’s a Land of Hills and Valleys,
The greenest ever seen,
Where the King of Leprechauns himself
Dances with the Faerie Queen..
When the Moon is full upon a warm night’s scene,
And the breeze off LockLomen brings the mists of dream,
And the music of the King’s fiddle puts me in hypnotic trance,
My feet, of their own accord, begin to tap and dance,
And the Queen of Faerie, with shamrock-braided golden hair,
Whirls me round and round until I loose all cares.
The Irish from my mother makes my heart wish to go
Where the bagpipes gives me goose bumps
And the blarney stories flow,
And the Mothers tell their children
“the banshee’s will get you if you’re not good”
So all the babes of Ireland are Angels,
And the music of life’s magic is clearly understood.
I’m asking you, dear St. Peter,
To be patient with me one last time,
While I frolic on the moonlit Green,
So that I can bring reminders to Eire’s Angels,
Of dancing with the Queen.

Testimony…October 29, 2006
Not much on TV, so I’m sitting in my one room in a nice city wishing I was back in the trailer I sold too cheap, at the edge of Death Valley…just a spot in the Road…one store and gas station, a café and bar together, a Museum, the Sheriff’s office, the Post Office where one had to go get mail, and next door, the Park office where I paid for the privilege of living on the space my trailer sat on for ten years, which was owned by a descendant of Great-Grandfather Brown(?). The trailer had a porch that my Son came and enclosed with screen, making a nice extra room where I could watch the cars go by. The hills changed colors as the sun went down, and the trees behind were a rare feathery kind of Tamarisk called ‘salt cedars ’ and they spread their limbs until they grew too heavy and old, and would crack and fall in a strong wind. I loved to listen to the soft, southern, summer breezes rustle thru them at night. It was not rare to hear coyotes calling to each other, and sometimes one would stroll thru the park. In back was a campground under the scattered trees, a barbeque pit, a laundry house, and a bath house for the Campers. The most wonderful thing was the swimming pool of flow-thru water, warm even in winter, with piped in water forming a waterfall. I was always amazed to see such a wonderful pool, not even crowded…it never was, and I had the pool to myself, likely as not, but enjoyed many hours with my old neighbors and friends, watching the bats come out after mosquitoes as the evenings got dark.
Death Valley’s being one of the Wonders of the Natural World, there were travelers from all over the World coming thru…some I met in the pool, and at the café. How I wished I could talk to them in their many languages.
Just 8 miles South was another spot in the road called Tecopa…long faded now, not even a store anymore, but still the home of a little steepled church, a Post Office, and an old motel where one Lady, my friend Sage, still lives because she wanted her dogs with her, and this was allowed. Two miles from the Post Office are the Hot Springs feeding the Once and Future Public Baths, one for men and one for women. Very nice. Two bath houses with hot mineral water constantly flowing thru, showers, a roof on one and the other open to the sun’s rays as you relax between 10 minute soaks. There are neighboring trailer parks and resorts with spaces, small cabins, and private baths that range from extra warm to cooking hot. Watch out for the lobster effect.
Because we live in a country where the government won’t let things stay the same as they used to be, now the Baths that Chief Tecopa refused to sell, and were free for all mankind since forever, now the government is charging a fee. The water is flowing freely out of Mother Nature for the use of People who need the healing waters to ease their aches and pains.
Many of the People who live around town are poor as well as crippled, and can’t afford the fees, and it just isn’t fair that they are forced to suffer.
For the tourists who can afford the fees, I say OK, But for the local People
who need the therapeutic treatments, I say, “Give them a free pass. They get medical benefits and compensation, don’t they?”
Don’t try to change what Chief Tecopa believed in. The Baths were meant to be FREE. Why charge? I bet Tecopa is turning in his grave, don’t you???
FROM: SovereignTreatyShadeUnion]
TO: ALL TecopaSetic and Titular Tecopan Boycotters:

Please, don't avoid Tecopa just because
of CLM's shabby presence here!
We MISS You, and yer video and digital cameras,
and expect Y'all to gather at
Delight's Hot Springs Resort,
at off-season weekend and weekly prices,
to help US Yokels build pressure to abort
the County's payola'd contract with CLM;
and to support Our Boycott-friendly
local business alternatives:
at the RedWindMill Healing Spa;
and the NEW Organic Cafe at AmyNoel's Hot Springs Resort;
and the NEW Shoppe downtown, Raven'sWood Merchantile;
and the Tecopa Station StageStop, ZBard's Castle,
Mein Shaft BYOB Bar, and Piano Lounge Parties.
Springtime Suites and DryCamping Available.

Inquire at BlackdogJunction#9
on-the-Grounds contacts: Emily Redwood, the Rottweiller,
and Lavendar Lil', the Chow,
who is star-crossed
with Lillian Weed,
Cheif Tecopa's MedicineWoman,
from the 19th Century version
of Tecopa Hot Springs' Sovereign Government!! !
or leave comments here...

Happy AnniverSeti, Janis of '43

YahooVersion of
The Sovereignty Rag

for TecopaSeti Birthday Party Invite

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Yes, a Saturday should be better. Unless something unusual comes up, I should be able to come and bring my famous pasta salad. I'll write it in on my new calendar.

Here- post this on your blog!
Green Republican Initiative
Tecopasetic Class Action/
Civil Defense Committee,
In-the-Shade Union......

The Sovereign Treaty Shade Union,


The Sisterhood of the Vortex

Cordially invite ALL

Tecopasetic and Titular Tecopans

to the ZBard’s Homecoming Party,

Saturday, Febuary 24th, 2007…High Noon,


at the Mein Shaft Bar in Z’Bard’s Castle

at Tecopa Station on Old Spanish Trail,

and to the sub rosa


Agenda: Memorial Toast to Barbara Price,

the Mother of the Omega Miracle.

Discussion of Proposed Community Radio Station.

Proposal to make Richard Cervantes

a one-term Inyo County Supervisor.

Yokel Referendum to Draft Jon Zellhoefer

to represent Tecopa on the County Board.