Monday, April 09, 2007

From: TecopaSeti Chapter
of Renegade Witch's
and Homamaker's N.O.W. 92389

Feminist Opinion/ re: racist and sexist remarks

Don Imus DESERVES to Graciously Resign,
collect what's left of his contacted salary,
and do community service to help pay off
his Network's fines. (as Sincere Apology)

or else...the Boss can justly FIRE him,
which is really OK because he's been
fired before, and it's NOT gonna make
him homeless.

Wikipedia says,
"In high school, he was impeached
as class president for behaving like a dictator."
Sage says,
"I think somebody should remind Brother Don
that Today's young Basketball players,
are Tomorrow's Coast Guard, Naval, and Marine Corps Officers."


  1. i was in the bathouse this month and what happened to the good old days. The place was empty, even on a saturday night. So they close up at 10pm just when you want to arrive. What happened to the freedom of tecopa, how sad how sad how sad.....

  2. why the hell didn't you come by DownTown's BlackdogJunction and HONK!!! I coulda showed ya what we've been doing in terms of counter-seige convergence of Our Citizenry!!!

  3. i drove threw bustling downtown on my way to the school to get water. i used to love tecopa but there is no refuge there anymore. even the blm ranger was out at the wildbath telling people not to camp there. i'm movin to alaska
