BORN A-BLOOMING, this Desert Village
in another
….just like mushrooms, buds, and Faeries,
WE’VE circled the wagons
against the “powers that Be”…
…a government that’s
run amok to war
against World Citizenry
and makes US ALL the “enemy”.
WE’VE thusly elected
to Form Our Own Government,
this Township called SOVEREIGNTY,
and WE’LL be the target townsite,
to illuminate OUR MANDATE for SERENITY.
RATIFIED by Consensus
of the
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nicholas says...
Some people think that Chief Tecopa of the Pauites would be greatly displeased at the actions of the State of California. They say that Chief Tecopa made an agreement with the government, that the Tecopa "Public" baths, formerly managed by Inyo County, were to be held sacred and thus remain free for any travelers of any nationality.
Some people say that the treaty is a myth. My dad says that it was real; that he used to talk with some of the children of the Pauites when they still lived up here, and it was commonly talked about. He says that the treaty was time limited, but that this fact did not detract from the idea-- the spirit-- of the arrangement.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Letter to the Editor,
Tecopa boycott
Gone is the laughter and happy faces once seen in this small town called Tecopa. This small hot spring town appears to be in a economic downfall.
Driving through this place last week, it appeared to be a ghost town of its former self. Chief Tecopa American Indian and generous heroic figure and founder of this once lively place willed the county hot springs to the public with a stipulation that it would be free of charge and be open always. This treaty was also recognized by the president of united states, so they say. This is not the case today.
The treaty was broken and a company called CLM (California Land Management) has taking over this once hot spring gathering place of older disabled people and not so old visitors who made the trek to this place, sometimes from 500 miles plus – each winter season. They are a commercial business with fees they now charge and the place appears to have changed forever. The locals and not-so-locals are flaming mad and are boycotting the whole town as it looks to me and many others. There are many Web sites supporting a boycott and "the people have spoken" by not going to Tecopa anymore.
Driving through the town last week, we were eyed by the Tecopa guards as we stopped to have a look at the now fenced-off hot spring building and guard shack and almost empty parking lot, which used to be full before the takeover of this once happy hot spring.
On closer look we learned also that the waters are highly bromated and much cooler than before. The manager of this place seemed to be edgy with us and impatient to get our fee. We were in no hurry to give this guy any fee because doing so would be a part of breaking a Treaty Chief Tecopa had once had with the state. Besides, all the people we once knew were gone, and looking at this guard shack and fenced off place appeared to me in my opinion looked like a prison camp rather then a place of healing.
The CLM campgrounds had around five RV campers from what we could see. This time of the season would have no less than 70 to 100 campers or more throughout the town of Tecopa. It was, to say the least, sad, as we were. The three private commercial hot springs were almost empty also. Yes, the town is in a downhill spiral economically. I mean, anyone could see that. I wondered then how much this would affect Pahrump economically as well as Shosone. After stopping and hearing some stories of a local resident we ran into on the way out of town, we heard that CLM patrols the town to see where RV campers are camping. He says the manager of CLM has said he dislikes a lot of what he sees in town and will change it. What? I asked. The wild bath out in BLM land mysteriously closed and was destroyed soon after this guy's arrival and he is now patrolling the town after hours, we heard.
Yes, in my opinion, this place is now like a controlled prison camp rather than a place of healing. We have been visiting Tecopa now for over 20 years and will go no more. We support the boycott of this place and will never return to this place we once loved. Tecopa is a ghost town now to us and will be thought of as when we think of this place. There is no more disabled persons' pool anymore, as we hear this room is being charged 20 bucks for a party pool.
Gone is the laughter and happy faces that we once knew, and gone are us who will return no longer as long as CLM is in charge. The other private campgrounds have little to offer us as they are too expensive for us and we hear in CLM's back pocket. Strange, their prices went up after CLM took over. We support all the people who boycott Tecopa. We also pray that Chief Tecopa will somehow come to this little town's rescue as he did once before.
Re: Fwd: PVTimes, Letter to the Editor,11/24/06
To: "morgana sage"
Thank you for sending this letter to me. every time i hear things like this it saddens my heart. I drive thru Tecopa 3 to 4 times a day and have noticed the difference in the type of people that come to this little town. Boy do I miss the old ways!
I have noticed the way the water has made my skin itch the last time I visited the hot springs back when they first where OVER TAKEN! The woman that came to TAKE my money had explained to me how they put something called bromate in the water to keep it clean(what does this do to the healing minerals in the water?).
Dawn- the school bus driver
Local history contributed by Leanne Conan,
Titular Tecopan since the last half of the 20th Century
The man they call Chief?? Well he was not a chief. In fact, the real chief sent him to Tecopa to get rid of him, from the Mitchel Caverns just off I-40. That’s the headquarters of 'The Scattered Tribes'. In the early 20's, the medicine woman here, Lillian Weed, sent a message on her air waves to her people to send some help to save the hot baths for the people. The Chief had been pondering how to get rid of this little drunk and Lillian's plea gave the Chief his answer. The tribe had a naming ceremony and changed his name to Cap Tecopa, put him on the train for Tecopa with the mission to save the baths for the people. When he arrived here he went to the bar and being very funny, entertained the bar. One of the owners of the rail road (a Dr.) took a liking to this little Indian. When he learned why he had come to Tecopa, he liked the idea and had his company do just that…turn the baths over to the people. The railroad owned the land that the baths are on. I know that the Paiutes were here first but they never tried to get anything back from the whites, they just minded their manners and became good white men (like George Ross). I have talked to Tecopa's grand daughters. They live in Pahrump and even though they all swore that they had papers there was never anything in writing. I went to see them (the sisters) before they stole our baths from us. All they had was a bluff. They told me they never expected any one to call them on their bluff. The Dr. gave his handshake to seal the deal with his friend Cap Tecopa. Tecopa lived to be 106. He traveled to L.A. once and promptly got himself arrested for being drunk and spent a couple of nights in jail. When he returned to Tecopa he said that L.A. had real nice accommodations, he was sorry to have to leave, the food was good he said. This is closer to the truth then some of the stories you may have heard making the rounds here.
Tecopa boycott
Gone is the laughter and happy faces once seen in this small town called Tecopa. This small hot spring town appears to be in a economic downfall.
Driving through this place last week, it appeared to be a ghost town of its former self. Chief Tecopa American Indian and generous heroic figure and founder of this once lively place willed the county hot springs to the public with a stipulation that it would be free of charge and be open always. This treaty was also recognized by the president of united states, so they say. This is not the case today.
The treaty was broken and a company called CLM (California Land Management) has taking over this once hot spring gathering place of older disabled people and not so old visitors who made the trek to this place, sometimes from 500 miles plus – each winter season. They are a commercial business with fees they now charge and the place appears to have changed forever. The locals and not-so-locals are flaming mad and are boycotting the whole town as it looks to me and many others. There are many Web sites supporting a boycott and "the people have spoken" by not going to Tecopa anymore.
Driving through the town last week, we were eyed by the Tecopa guards as we stopped to have a look at the now fenced-off hot spring building and guard shack and almost empty parking lot, which used to be full before the takeover of this once happy hot spring.
On closer look we learned also that the waters are highly bromated and much cooler than before. The manager of this place seemed to be edgy with us and impatient to get our fee. We were in no hurry to give this guy any fee because doing so would be a part of breaking a Treaty Chief Tecopa had once had with the state. Besides, all the people we once knew were gone, and looking at this guard shack and fenced off place appeared to me in my opinion looked like a prison camp rather then a place of healing.
The CLM campgrounds had around five RV campers from what we could see. This time of the season would have no less than 70 to 100 campers or more throughout the town of Tecopa. It was, to say the least, sad, as we were. The three private commercial hot springs were almost empty also. Yes, the town is in a downhill spiral economically. I mean, anyone could see that. I wondered then how much this would affect Pahrump economically as well as Shosone. After stopping and hearing some stories of a local resident we ran into on the way out of town, we heard that CLM patrols the town to see where RV campers are camping. He says the manager of CLM has said he dislikes a lot of what he sees in town and will change it. What? I asked. The wild bath out in BLM land mysteriously closed and was destroyed soon after this guy's arrival and he is now patrolling the town after hours, we heard.
Yes, in my opinion, this place is now like a controlled prison camp rather than a place of healing. We have been visiting Tecopa now for over 20 years and will go no more. We support the boycott of this place and will never return to this place we once loved. Tecopa is a ghost town now to us and will be thought of as when we think of this place. There is no more disabled persons' pool anymore, as we hear this room is being charged 20 bucks for a party pool.
Gone is the laughter and happy faces that we once knew, and gone are us who will return no longer as long as CLM is in charge. The other private campgrounds have little to offer us as they are too expensive for us and we hear in CLM's back pocket. Strange, their prices went up after CLM took over. We support all the people who boycott Tecopa. We also pray that Chief Tecopa will somehow come to this little town's rescue as he did once before.
Re: Fwd: PVTimes, Letter to the Editor,11/24/06
To: "morgana sage"
Thank you for sending this letter to me. every time i hear things like this it saddens my heart. I drive thru Tecopa 3 to 4 times a day and have noticed the difference in the type of people that come to this little town. Boy do I miss the old ways!
I have noticed the way the water has made my skin itch the last time I visited the hot springs back when they first where OVER TAKEN! The woman that came to TAKE my money had explained to me how they put something called bromate in the water to keep it clean(what does this do to the healing minerals in the water?).
Dawn- the school bus driver
Local history contributed by Leanne Conan,
Titular Tecopan since the last half of the 20th Century
The man they call Chief?? Well he was not a chief. In fact, the real chief sent him to Tecopa to get rid of him, from the Mitchel Caverns just off I-40. That’s the headquarters of 'The Scattered Tribes'. In the early 20's, the medicine woman here, Lillian Weed, sent a message on her air waves to her people to send some help to save the hot baths for the people. The Chief had been pondering how to get rid of this little drunk and Lillian's plea gave the Chief his answer. The tribe had a naming ceremony and changed his name to Cap Tecopa, put him on the train for Tecopa with the mission to save the baths for the people. When he arrived here he went to the bar and being very funny, entertained the bar. One of the owners of the rail road (a Dr.) took a liking to this little Indian. When he learned why he had come to Tecopa, he liked the idea and had his company do just that…turn the baths over to the people. The railroad owned the land that the baths are on. I know that the Paiutes were here first but they never tried to get anything back from the whites, they just minded their manners and became good white men (like George Ross). I have talked to Tecopa's grand daughters. They live in Pahrump and even though they all swore that they had papers there was never anything in writing. I went to see them (the sisters) before they stole our baths from us. All they had was a bluff. They told me they never expected any one to call them on their bluff. The Dr. gave his handshake to seal the deal with his friend Cap Tecopa. Tecopa lived to be 106. He traveled to L.A. once and promptly got himself arrested for being drunk and spent a couple of nights in jail. When he returned to Tecopa he said that L.A. had real nice accommodations, he was sorry to have to leave, the food was good he said. This is closer to the truth then some of the stories you may have heard making the rounds here.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Calif. Couple Calls for Orgasm for Peace
Published: November 19, 2006
Filed at 9:08 p.m. ET
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.
But they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much rather you just stay home.
The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
''The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it,'' Reffell said Sunday. ''Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.''
The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word ''Peace.''
The stunt spawned a mini-movement called Baring Witness that led to similar unclothed demonstrations worldwide.
The couple have studied evolutionary psychology and believe that war is mainly an outgrowth of men trying to impress potential mates, a case of ''my missile is bigger than your missile,'' as Reffell put it.
By promoting what they hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get people to channel their sexual energy into something more positive.
The couple said interest appears strong, with 26,000 hits a day to their Web site, www.globalorgasm.org.
''The dream is to have everyone in the world (take part),'' Reffell said. ''And if that means laying down your gun for a few minutes, then hey, all the better.''
Published: November 19, 2006
Filed at 9:08 p.m. ET
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Two peace activists have planned a massive anti-war demonstration for the first day of winter.
But they don't want you marching in the streets. They'd much rather you just stay home.
The Global Orgasm for Peace was conceived by Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, whose immodest goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on world peace.
''The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it,'' Reffell said Sunday. ''Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.''
The couple are no strangers to sex and social activism. Sheehan, no relation to anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, brought together nearly 50 women in 2002 who stripped naked and spelled out the word ''Peace.''
The stunt spawned a mini-movement called Baring Witness that led to similar unclothed demonstrations worldwide.
The couple have studied evolutionary psychology and believe that war is mainly an outgrowth of men trying to impress potential mates, a case of ''my missile is bigger than your missile,'' as Reffell put it.
By promoting what they hope to be a synchronized global orgasm, they hope to get people to channel their sexual energy into something more positive.
The couple said interest appears strong, with 26,000 hits a day to their Web site, www.globalorgasm.org.
''The dream is to have everyone in the world (take part),'' Reffell said. ''And if that means laying down your gun for a few minutes, then hey, all the better.''
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Re: Digest Number 543
Posted by: "sage" morganasage@excite.com blackdogjunction
Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:15 am (PST)
I too, was concerned that Howard Dean said they would not pursue impeachment, but I don't think that restraint will hold up once the new dems realize how unruly Bush has become as emperor. I am in California, where I registered Republican so I could vote for a trusted friend running for State Assembly in the primaries, and I found it really empowering to actually vote my conscience this time, for all the Green candidates on my state's ballot, and writing in my friend's name in spite of his having lost the primary. It feels so subversive to be a Green Republican, voting outside the box from within it, and being a spoiler where it counts...no republican but my friend got my vote, and no democrat needed it. heh heh heh!!!luv and peas, Sage--- On Fri 11/10, < 60sBeyond@yahoogroups.com > wrote:
From: [60sBeyond@yahoogroups.com] 10 Nov 2006 09:01:28-Digest Number 543
Posted by: "sage" morganasage@excite.com blackdogjunction
Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:15 am (PST)
I too, was concerned that Howard Dean said they would not pursue impeachment, but I don't think that restraint will hold up once the new dems realize how unruly Bush has become as emperor. I am in California, where I registered Republican so I could vote for a trusted friend running for State Assembly in the primaries, and I found it really empowering to actually vote my conscience this time, for all the Green candidates on my state's ballot, and writing in my friend's name in spite of his having lost the primary. It feels so subversive to be a Green Republican, voting outside the box from within it, and being a spoiler where it counts...no republican but my friend got my vote, and no democrat needed it. heh heh heh!!!luv and peas, Sage--- On Fri 11/10, < 60sBeyond@yahoogroups.com > wrote:
From: [60sBeyond@yahoogroups.com] 10 Nov 2006 09:01:28-Digest Number 543
Monday, November 13, 2006
It tickles me pink that
WE Titular Tecopans have
successfully elected
a yokel homeboy with social skills,
as Inyo County Sheriff,
thusly changing the balance of power
in our struggle for home-rule of
Our Sovereign Treaty Medicine Baths.
No longer will our Deputies
be at the beck and call
of corporate thugs
and corrupt politicians,
to intimidate hometown resistance
to outside control of
Our Traditional Bathwater Rituals.
It tickles me pink that
WE Titular Tecopans have
successfully elected
a yokel homeboy with social skills,
as Inyo County Sheriff,
thusly changing the balance of power
in our struggle for home-rule of
Our Sovereign Treaty Medicine Baths.
No longer will our Deputies
be at the beck and call
of corporate thugs
and corrupt politicians,
to intimidate hometown resistance
to outside control of
Our Traditional Bathwater Rituals.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
NEWS ALERT/ Released to KPAH and PVTimes...
Hey, Harv and Phillip...we're dealing with some heavy, repercussive escalation of suspiciously conspiratorial County/CLM collusion to repress
this Community's Civil Rights. The County Supervisor(Cervantez) whom WE elected to fix the problem at the Baths, (by voiding the contract, and evicting CLM to the CampGrounds Only contract,
for a probationery 30 days.),
has been bought off, bribed by the corporation, Eric and Mrs. Mart, and is now making false accusatory statements against the Local County Workers, in a bid to take over management of the Community Center, Rook Hall. Tecopasetic Eye's are lighting up at the RadioFreeTecopa
idea...sure do wish we had it NOW,
so we could get national attention
paid to felonious and unconstitutional government abuse,
aganst the Sovereignty of Tecopa's Community Spirit.
Luv and peas, TecopasetiSage
Dear Sage,
Yes, it seems like you Tecopans could use a convenient means (public airwaves) to be able to discuss problems such as you've described. A radio station there, could be a good community resource.
We are not prepared to do anything in that respect prior to late January, about ten weeks away.
In the meantime, if there are other Tecopans that would like to tell us what they think of having a community radio station, we would love to hear from them via e-mail. Please pass this request and address on to all:
Hey, Harv and Phillip...we're dealing with some heavy, repercussive escalation of suspiciously conspiratorial County/CLM collusion to repress
this Community's Civil Rights. The County Supervisor(Cervantez) whom WE elected to fix the problem at the Baths, (by voiding the contract, and evicting CLM to the CampGrounds Only contract,
for a probationery 30 days.),
has been bought off, bribed by the corporation, Eric and Mrs. Mart, and is now making false accusatory statements against the Local County Workers, in a bid to take over management of the Community Center, Rook Hall. Tecopasetic Eye's are lighting up at the RadioFreeTecopa
idea...sure do wish we had it NOW,
so we could get national attention
paid to felonious and unconstitutional government abuse,
aganst the Sovereignty of Tecopa's Community Spirit.
Luv and peas, TecopasetiSage
Dear Sage,
Yes, it seems like you Tecopans could use a convenient means (public airwaves) to be able to discuss problems such as you've described. A radio station there, could be a good community resource.
We are not prepared to do anything in that respect prior to late January, about ten weeks away.
In the meantime, if there are other Tecopans that would like to tell us what they think of having a community radio station, we would love to hear from them via e-mail. Please pass this request and address on to all:
Dearly BamBam,
thanx fer sticking up for me when Victor wanted me arrested. SwissCheeseMaria just came by all worried about hearing at the Post Office, the 'MaleSnowBird' fascist's
version of what Victor's telling them. And they AREN'T EVEN boycotting the Baths!!! They are SCABS!!! I'd like to sue CERVANTEZ for racketeering, and LOPEZ for depriving me of my Civil Rights.
Tell me what I have to do, MadamSocialWorker.
yer good!, Sage
thanx fer sticking up for me when Victor wanted me arrested. SwissCheeseMaria just came by all worried about hearing at the Post Office, the 'MaleSnowBird' fascist's
version of what Victor's telling them. And they AREN'T EVEN boycotting the Baths!!! They are SCABS!!! I'd like to sue CERVANTEZ for racketeering, and LOPEZ for depriving me of my Civil Rights.
Tell me what I have to do, MadamSocialWorker.
yer good!, Sage
Mistletoe Manifesto
to: Inyo County Supervisor,
the racketeering Sr.Cervantez,
dearly nit-wit,
ABORT CLM or else...
...I'll arrange to have
My Last Heart Attack
in the Ladies' Baths,
even if I have to
sneak in to do it!!!
You will inherit my
last terra-cotta
Mayan GirlChild Mask.
luv and NO ickky peas,
porfavor, and thanx, Sage,
the witchy Nun
at BlackdogJunction N.O.W.,
on Old Spanish Trail,
Tecopa Station, 92389
to: Inyo County Supervisor,
the racketeering Sr.Cervantez,
dearly nit-wit,
ABORT CLM or else...
...I'll arrange to have
My Last Heart Attack
in the Ladies' Baths,
even if I have to
sneak in to do it!!!
You will inherit my
last terra-cotta
Mayan GirlChild Mask.
luv and NO ickky peas,
porfavor, and thanx, Sage,
the witchy Nun
at BlackdogJunction N.O.W.,
on Old Spanish Trail,
Tecopa Station, 92389
Sunday, November 05, 2006
KPAH comments...
Dear Sage,
Maybe the poor fellow thinks you've placed a curse on him?
It's a nice piece of art, though. We like it...
We are waiting for video editing software, before we can do anything (what, we don't know) with the tape.
As usual, we'll keep in touch.
All the best to you and the rest of the folks around Black Dog Junction,
Harvey & Gerry (not to be confused with Tom & Jerry, the cartoon characters)
P.S. We went another step forward with "Radio Free Tecopa", today. Should know more about that, in a couple weeks
Dear Sage,
Maybe the poor fellow thinks you've placed a curse on him?
It's a nice piece of art, though. We like it...
We are waiting for video editing software, before we can do anything (what, we don't know) with the tape.
As usual, we'll keep in touch.
All the best to you and the rest of the folks around Black Dog Junction,
Harvey & Gerry (not to be confused with Tom & Jerry, the cartoon characters)
P.S. We went another step forward with "Radio Free Tecopa", today. Should know more about that, in a couple weeks
Friday, November 03, 2006
Dearly Sisterhood of the Vortex,
I hereby offer the following justifications for my Hallowe'en Action against CLM...
I think Jackie would be PROUD of me. She recognized and admired my finesse in the way I won-over Edna's good opinion of me, and I think she would have approved of the way the trick-or-treating on Victor played out. The CrankyOldBitchClan of the Sisterhood, gave me good advice and their blessings on the 'positive intent' of the use of magical symbology to power the spell...so, I knew the mask would NOT get broken in the commission of the Curse on that Roman's Head.
Having heard that Victor called the Sheriff the next morning, to whine about my scary trick on him, doesn't surprize or worry me at all, because I know that OUR Deputies are smarter than dumdum Victor gives them credit for, and probably see the Humour of it all.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
luv and peas, Sister Sage,
the witchy Nun at BlackdogJunction.
Dearly Sisterhood of the Vortex,
I hereby offer the following justifications for my Hallowe'en Action against CLM...
I think Jackie would be PROUD of me. She recognized and admired my finesse in the way I won-over Edna's good opinion of me, and I think she would have approved of the way the trick-or-treating on Victor played out. The CrankyOldBitchClan of the Sisterhood, gave me good advice and their blessings on the 'positive intent' of the use of magical symbology to power the spell...so, I knew the mask would NOT get broken in the commission of the Curse on that Roman's Head.
Having heard that Victor called the Sheriff the next morning, to whine about my scary trick on him, doesn't surprize or worry me at all, because I know that OUR Deputies are smarter than dumdum Victor gives them credit for, and probably see the Humour of it all.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
luv and peas, Sister Sage,
the witchy Nun at BlackdogJunction.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
What I learned at the Hallowe'en Party
All Saint’s Day 2006
In the mundane world of Physics,
every action is believed to provoke
an equal and opposite reaction.
In the magical realm of Meta-physics, however,
a provocative action can be expected to
incite an insightful, and possibly enhanced, response.
Language is a meta-physical, as well as a political Science.
The words we use are metaphors, symbolic of thought, tools
of our instinctual need to communicate with, and connect to our fellow-travelers, a human race of mindful and spiritual Beings.
Headblind, patriarchal primitives have constructed a monotheistic, cultural paradigm which uses words like ‘God’ and ‘fatherhood’ to support a theory of masculinist supremacy, in the Heavens as on Earth, and also uses words like Bitch, Witch, and Slut, to illustrate rejection of equal but opposite conceptions, defining WomanKind as ‘the Other”, the antithesis of mankind’s Creator myths, resulting in world-wide death-cult milieu of subjugation to violence, denial, and slavery, power plays used definitively as survival of the fittest skills. People who are culturally addicted to illogical powers of controlling uncertainties, are acting out their fear of the “unknown’, the basic animal instinct of fight-or-flight, and rarely reach a synthesis of sentient understanding concerning ‘their place’ in the Life on this Planet, or in the Cosmos.
It is my opinion that ‘the Creator’s’ purpose in giving homo-sapients intelligence, is to make every Mother’s task easier..Namely, to teach Her Children to use that gift to become humane, sentient Beings, welcome on the threshold of any Cosmic Mission. Survival is not the ultimate goal of Intelligent Life on this Planet. Our Goal, (God’s plan for us?) is to learn how to evolve and ascend to a higher plane of existence, without an unnecessary fear of Death, because no energy is ever lost. refererence:http://thirdworldtraveler.com/Religion/Enough_OneGod_Stuff.html
In the mundane world of Physics,
every action is believed to provoke
an equal and opposite reaction.
In the magical realm of Meta-physics, however,
a provocative action can be expected to
incite an insightful, and possibly enhanced, response.
Language is a meta-physical, as well as a political Science.
The words we use are metaphors, symbolic of thought, tools
of our instinctual need to communicate with, and connect to our fellow-travelers, a human race of mindful and spiritual Beings.
Headblind, patriarchal primitives have constructed a monotheistic, cultural paradigm which uses words like ‘God’ and ‘fatherhood’ to support a theory of masculinist supremacy, in the Heavens as on Earth, and also uses words like Bitch, Witch, and Slut, to illustrate rejection of equal but opposite conceptions, defining WomanKind as ‘the Other”, the antithesis of mankind’s Creator myths, resulting in world-wide death-cult milieu of subjugation to violence, denial, and slavery, power plays used definitively as survival of the fittest skills. People who are culturally addicted to illogical powers of controlling uncertainties, are acting out their fear of the “unknown’, the basic animal instinct of fight-or-flight, and rarely reach a synthesis of sentient understanding concerning ‘their place’ in the Life on this Planet, or in the Cosmos.
It is my opinion that ‘the Creator’s’ purpose in giving homo-sapients intelligence, is to make every Mother’s task easier..Namely, to teach Her Children to use that gift to become humane, sentient Beings, welcome on the threshold of any Cosmic Mission. Survival is not the ultimate goal of Intelligent Life on this Planet. Our Goal, (God’s plan for us?) is to learn how to evolve and ascend to a higher plane of existence, without an unnecessary fear of Death, because no energy is ever lost. refererence:http://thirdworldtraveler.com/Religion/Enough_OneGod_Stuff.html
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