Welcome, Marian Alumni
Class of '67,
Summer of Love
First Contact with Lynn McNeil...Feb.2006 from ClassMates(dot)com:
Hi Sheryl (Kris),
Yup, I remember you! I barely recall the wedding, but I definitely
remember hanging out on the senior lawn and walking the halls of
Marian. Mostly that apartment on the beach where we all got into oh,
so much trouble with Carol and Pat and Donna and Linda and all those
lovely sailors. Oh yeah, I guess several of us married at least one of
those sailors. Did you hear that Marian is closing down? They are
building a new HS in Chula Vista to open in Fall 2007 as Mater Dei.
Check out the Marian website.
I'm near LA still. Still married (not to the first one as you can tell
from the name), retired from my second career and back in school again.
Not arthritic yet, but old and fat and gray. How about you? I tried
to read your bio but they want you to join.
Original Email from Kris McBride...Sept. 29, 2006
I don't know about y'all, but I have no interest in attending a 40 year reunion at a new industrial-sized,re-named institution in ChulaVista. I prefer to remember our AlmaMater the way she was in the Summer of Love. I've been to the MHS website, and have read everything on it, including the studenthandbook, and have decided that I would not like tobe a student there now, or send my own kids and grandkids there to be processed as cogs in the "machine"...I am so grateful to the now absent Nunsfor educating me in the Humanities, and am horrified that they are gone from the staff, and that ALL Seniors are now subjected to mandatory, militaryapptitude testing in order to graduate. Call me a 'throwback'??? an old Hipi??? an incorrigible misfit???But I am PROUD of 40 years of conscious, social activism, in the Feminist, Anti-Apartheid, Enviromental, and Peace Movements, that the Children of the 21st Century are being trained to ignore in their quest? forassimilation into a
"brave new world". Ah, well! I am crippled by arthritis, retired to the Desert,and am very happy to be off the frontlines of the ClassWars,writing and publishing on my blog, http://thebroadsside.blogspot.com, and working on building a sustainable community to ride out the storm of a not-so-certain future. Anybody wanna talk about gathering together for an alternative reunion, here at Tecopa's Once and Future WindFarm??? We have 160 acres of desert land with surface water, to build and camp on, safe from the hordes of cut-throats and desperados in the cities.
ta-ta...Sage AKA: Kris McBride'67
Email from Susan Southland...Oct.1.6
I would imagine that Carol &Lynn & Mouse & Jack already know the story - not sure about Bob - think he was pretty young the last time I saw him. We are currently traveling in our motorhome and e-mail is pretty spotty. Am in New Hampshire for the next few days and then on to Bar Harbor, Maine. Plan to hit Boston, Philly, then - who knows? Been gone for two months and don't plan to be back in CA until after Thanksgiving. Keep up the good work.
Email from Carol Andrade Vrooman, 10.02.06
Oh it's Carol Andrade (Vrooman). How are you? You live in the desert? I looked up Tecopa, you're in Death Valley? We just came back from Carson City, rode through Baker and past the 190 turn off to Death Valley.
My significant other, Gary, and I live in Ramona, NE of downtown SD. I'm an ER RN, he works for the Post Office. I have 2 kids, girl Beth who has 2 boys, and a son Bryan who has a daughter and two sons, the most recent is only a few mos old, haven't even seen the little sucker yet.
I also am not really interested in supporting this new whatever they are opening to pander to the rich mexicans. I've thought about seeing whats going on with people 40 yrs after but don't think I'm going to make any effort. I also prefer to remember good ole Marian our Marian the way she was when we left.
I guess we've all found our level in life so to speak. I don't care if citizens think I'm a "misfit" or what they think. There are 2 types of people in this world those I care about and those I don't. If one falls into the "don't" category there is no point in giving any credence to their opinion.
Lynn plays cello in an ensemble. She always was musical.
Dix is retired, has a bad back, fishes with her husband.
I ride a big motorcycle as fast as I can whenever I can. My old man is the Vice President of our chapter of an outlaw club, though probably not the one that comes immediately to mind.
Email to Mr.Gerken, at mariancatholic.org..Oct2006
Please also notify your Class of '67 List
that our Self-Appointed Alternative CyberReunion Committee
has formed to accomodate the far-flung-fringe-faction of
Graduates from Marian's Summer of Love, and that any
photos from the Gauntlet'67 Yearbook can be sent to
blackdogjunction@yahoo.com, for inclusion in
Our CyberReunion Thread at The Sovereignty Rag,
Thanx, MorganaSage@excite.com aka:Kris McBride Williams .
Email from Patty Edwards Prescott, Friday, Oct. 13, 2006
You are aware that we are planning our 40th class reunion? Bill said he sent an email out.
Did you receive it and if yes, have you voted? Obviously , like me, you would prefer NOT TO DEAL with the new School...........Mater Dei? So sad, I can see moving because they are a big institution and can make more money from the rich folks living in Eastlake...........but other than the BISHOP wants the name changed, (seems he in the past attended a school named Mater Dei).... no one else does.
They should have just carried the name over.
Patty Edwards (Prescott)