Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Invitation to Leonard Peltier

I wanna invite you Leonard, here to recover your health in the Baths, and all you would have to do is break up the cabal of sexist perpetraitors of sexual assault, on the men's side of the Vortex....AND take over the Lease, to re-establish Sovereign Treaty Rites and RECLAIM the FREE Public Medicine Baths! If we can buy the Lease out from under CLM, with the help of a friendly County Supervisor, and A.I.M. activists from Rosebud, John Zbard has usable apartments available, almost rent-free for any Sovereignty Activists who want to join the Reclaimation Project HERE, in Tecopa...where the Green Tortoise Stage stops, and YOU can spend a few weeks in OUR HEALING WATERS, which will make you feel like a brand new man, well enough to live another 30 years in FREEDOM. PLEASE COME!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!


  1. The Hummingbird has never responded to this proposal,
    except to cast doubts on my
    personal credibility and motivation behind my back,
    as well as in my face.
    She ain't no Sister of MINE.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
