Tuesday, February 28, 2006

dearly jennifer(webmaster@tecopaca.com),
expect incoming from
Rainbow Friends of Pine Ridge,
re: Sovereign Treaty/ClassAction/
Re-Occupation Video, for televisable
tecopasetic revolution footage, as PR
for the Liberation of OUR Baths, as well as
for Leonard's HealthCare, post-incarceration.
heh-heh-heh, Sage

Invitation to Leonard Peltier

I wanna invite you Leonard, here to recover your health in the Baths, and all you would have to do is break up the cabal of sexist perpetraitors of sexual assault, on the men's side of the Vortex....AND take over the Lease, to re-establish Sovereign Treaty Rites and RECLAIM the FREE Public Medicine Baths! If we can buy the Lease out from under CLM, with the help of a friendly County Supervisor, and A.I.M. activists from Rosebud, John Zbard has usable apartments available, almost rent-free for any Sovereignty Activists who want to join the Reclaimation Project HERE, in Tecopa...where the Green Tortoise Stage stops, and YOU can spend a few weeks in OUR HEALING WATERS, which will make you feel like a brand new man, well enough to live another 30 years in FREEDOM. PLEASE COME!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

A.I.M. references

    To: NakedDog John

My A.I.M. connection goes back
     to Onandaga Nation, mid-eighties,
     when Dennis Banks was holed-up
     in the Longhouse outside of Seer/accuse.
And to a Thanksgiving Dinner of Venison Stew,
     with barley, garlic and rosemary,
     served to an artist named KickingBear,
     who paid for his phone calls to Rosebud School
     with a drawing of a Turquoise Pegasus
     flying between snow clouds.
That was the Thanksgiving we all woke up
     to a 13-inch blanket of fresh snow
     and the sun rising thru
     the widening breaks in the Storm.
KickingBear’s next assignment was
     to take a rifle to Big Mountain.
     It was a hunting rifle, but I haven’t heard
     of, or from him since.

Part of the Story I’m sticking to…because it’s Truth.
           By Sojourner, Sage.   I’ve LOVED N.Y.!!!

Lady of the WINDS, Mariah

Dearly Mari’a, Queen of the Marshes…

Can’t wait up nights, worrying about when you’ll get back from SantaFey with reinforcements from A.I.M. to re-occupy the Treaty Baths, even if Peltier has to be represented on video
By SpiritDancerKokopeli , to secure Sovereignty at the Baths just in time to rehabilitate Leonard. This tecopasetic revolution should be televised within two months, so the deciding judge is informed of these plans for Leonard’s Health Care. Reach me at morganasage@excite.com from every internet café you grace with your Presense-That-Enlightens-Whole-Rooms.
Blessed Be…heh-heh-heh, Sage

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

For Art Bell and all other Widowers of Witches.


Waking to dreams of paradise,
        and candles in the sun,
Long after we had thought
        the fantasies were done.
The tracings on the memories
        of a night well-loved,
Melted wax and pastel flame,
         subtle tokens that remain,
Candles in the morning sun,
         a vision clearly seen,
The promise framed in sungilt lace,
         windows to Our Being.

Tiptoeing back into the World,
        to face another Day,
Knowing that we’ll meet again,
        when the sun falls in the Bay,
Dreaming that our heart’s will melt
        in the candle light,
Like the candle that you burn
        to see us thru the night.
              for Arturo, via Sage, from Ramona.

Winter Blessing

Curl up cozy and pretend to be snowbound.
Flush the worn-out cares
From your heart, and rebound
Again with the Coming of Spring.
Try a spoonful of Molasses for the “blues”
                             Rx by Sage

Monday, February 13, 2006


             reprint of Amargosa Rag #4, 2003

   All of Us Veterans of Hip Culture, old and new, young and retired,
   Cease and desist from all horizontal hostilities, and
   Come together in joyful, non-judgemental self expression,
   To make the difference, to change the Course of History, and
   Not complain of Work or Death, and
FURTHER, that to
    Implement this Resolution of Revolution
   We do adopt the following guidelines as Basic Protocol

              We will be Humane, and Courteous with each other.
We will share Honest Passions, and not dump Angst on each other.
We will not make petty, accusatory statements against each other.
We will not target each other with cheap shots.
We will not tread upon, or trip over, each other’s various personalities.
We will OPEN our Hearts to each other, and
      willingly make attitude adjustments, TOGETHER. l

Friday, February 03, 2006


WOW.women on Wednesday

Critique: matrix standard

“girlie-talk”  on KMUD???:
   kissy-kissy gratitude
   for the privilege of
   finding free air
   to babble on in denial
   of anger, gaily.

Personalities downgrade
Into smugness and
rigid immaturity,
ignoring the Common Rage
that risks comfort
to gain courage.

Are you all, as women,
Too tired,or lazy, or complacent
With mediocrity,
To identify with the CommonSense
Of Outrage that unites US ALL
In this karmic womb, which is
Our Mother Cosmos, Our Great Spirit,
Our PowerSource???

Are you so frightened
by Passion and Desire
That you fail to recognize Anger
As the Reason and Motivation
To right ALL wrongs, and
Correct the Course of Herstory.