Sunday, May 17, 2009

Slicing the baloney more thinly:
Pelosi must be Celibate if she's never needed an abortion.

Nancy has always looked to me like a vacuous, doe-eyed, Bushie Democrat, devoted to accomodating 'the Man'-type of capitalistic politics.
Just watch her face behind and next to the Executive Presense at State of the Union addresses, or any Prezidental speech to Congress. She looks, and acts, and talks like she's thoroughly COWED, afraid of being back-handed by the VEEP, or of starting a brawl, or of being called names.

Between you and me, and the bedpost, I think she's been paid, or threatened to suspend good judgement. Has she sold her Conscience to get to, and stay where she is?

My ONLY hope for her is that being from California, she MIGHT YET start pounding and throwing her Gavel, before she allows anyone to continue blindfolding Justice.