Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Old Business

As an almost 60 year old Feminist Voter my issues go back to Sojourner Truth and Alice Paul, so I will cast My Vote this time for the Candidate most likely to use extraordinary Presidential Powers to Pardon Leonard Peltier, and Ratify the Equal Gender Rights Amendment, by Executive Order.
I'm betting that Barack is old enough to remember Leonard, young enough to remember that 18 year old men are still required by Law, to register for the Selective Service, and mature enough to have married a Feminist Woman.
Hillary has never been a Feminist, much less ever, even used the word.

21st Century EGRA: Equality of Rights, under American Law, shall NOT be denied or abridged, by the United States, or by any State, on account of Gender.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

M(r.)&(s.) April Fool