Friday, April 27, 2007

SpiderWoman says so, says so!!!

Hey, Dodder, Check this out, will ya? Have ya already?

According to Mary Daly, author of “When God was a Woman” circa. 1970,
Big Brother has been trying to control Us Proles, since Lilith the Snake, told Eve that an Apple a day, would keep “the Doctor” away… before 1984 even, and long before the mid-evil Catholic Hierarchy burned WomanKind’s Knowledge of Herbal FolkLore, and the Enlightened Scientists who thought outside the unchristian, fascist box.
In OUR Sovereign Nation of The Kingdom of EveryBody’s God on Earth,
Jethro Kloss is a BibleWriter, and Hemp shall be UN-regulated by anyone except the Amerikan Farmer!!! Viva las Revolutionaries!!!

Organic Polemics 2007

A GREEN Economy = +++FARM AID!!!

Feminism is The Organic BodyPolitic.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Second Term Winners

Re-Election '12

Venus Transit Campaign Flag '08 and '12

Peruvian Solstice Sunrise

CLM Boycotting Gramma's FIST

ABORT CLM Regime/Contract
Throne Room and Mayor's Office at

with Hipi Road

Inyo County Public Baths

under Seige to CLM

Wild Bath

before High Wind blew the Tree down,

and the County cordoned off open access.

MoonRise over Tecopa's Sunset Mountains

looking East

for: AmonMa'at

and Mary SummerRain

Mud Bath

Still FREE, but...muddy!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

From: TecopaSeti Chapter
of Renegade Witch's
and Homamaker's N.O.W. 92389

Feminist Opinion/ re: racist and sexist remarks

Don Imus DESERVES to Graciously Resign,
collect what's left of his contacted salary,
and do community service to help pay off
his Network's fines. (as Sincere Apology)

or else...the Boss can justly FIRE him,
which is really OK because he's been
fired before, and it's NOT gonna make
him homeless.

Wikipedia says,
"In high school, he was impeached
as class president for behaving like a dictator."
Sage says,
"I think somebody should remind Brother Don
that Today's young Basketball players,
are Tomorrow's Coast Guard, Naval, and Marine Corps Officers."