Friday, September 11, 2009

9.11.01 in California's Humboldt Nation

Eight years ago, my V-dub was impounded for expired tags,
and Emily RedWood, my RottXwolf/shepard, and I, were camping
in the Garberville Cemetery, where we woke up when the sun rose
over the local mountain at about 8AM, and the first thing I'd do before getting up to pee on a tombstone, was clicking on my little radio tuned to the local Community Radio station, KMUD.

September 11th was the day I heard that New York was under attack, and I couldn't believe it until I stashed my bedroll and hot-footed it 2 blocks to the closest toilet at the Main Street Bar for morning coffee and wide-screen TV, where I saw New Yorkers evacuating the Island on foot across the bridges like shell-shocked refugees, stricken and resigned, masses of workers going home to meet up with their families, and watch the collapse of their world, and be thankful it wasn't a nuclear meltdown.
I've always loved my stoic Yew Norkers, and still do.

Witch of Westcott Nation