Redway, Ca.1998
I FEEL INSPIRED to share some native understanding on the subject of Prayer.
Creative and effective Prayer for divine intervention seems to work best when envisioning nurturance and healing. These prayers seem always to be answered.
The Lakota Sundance did not work to avoid genocide,I think because to envision suffering tends to perpetuate it, and because to offer pain as a bribe to any god is inhumane and undignified. The Sundance was discontinued in the 18th Century, and it was only revived some 40 years ago, for the edification of New Age, pale-faced tourists.
The Ghost Dance that swept the Nations during the 19th Century, however, had great effect in regards to the prophecies saying that the Elders would return invincible, and in the 20th Century, the Rainbow Tribe was born from the dreams of a Ute homelander Medicine Man, to provide harbor for those Elders in the Hearts of Amerika’s Woodstock Generation, which explains, I think, the intense personal and political identification with Sovereign Native Spirit that so obviously makes It’s Self manifest in our counter-culture, these days. Seems to me to be the logical development of the Great Purification Prophecy promising that the Spirit of the Land will rise from it, and be cleansed and healed.
So…it’s up to US. We are the last Seventh Generation.Our Descendants are not guaranteed to make it that far into the future, whole.
It’s up to US to rise up, and quantum leap into the Spiral Dance of World Consciousness, and actually accomplish successful revolution NOW!
This Great Millennium Prayer for World Peace
is programmed in the fabric of our DNA,
the Helix of Life as we know it.
I think that Jesus (and Mohammed and Krishna and Buddha) will feel right at HOME this time around, as Our Original Elder Hipi Hero, dontcha know. Changing our attitudes is the easiest way to change our paradigm, thereby saving Ourselves, and whatever is left of Our Ancient Redwood Cathedral Forests.
By me…Morgana Sage, Woodstock Rainbow Elder’s Council’90, Queen of Hipi Road, Emeritas, at Blackdog Junction, Tecopa Station’07, and Nat’l Chair of the RadicalActionWing of the ERA NOW TaskForc, of Renegade Witches and Homemakers N.O.W., since 1976, at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia